Weed Lawn Treatment


Weed control is a stage that gardeners cannot do without, who managed to grow a lawn in their area. Wild plants can break through even through dense turf that has formed over several years. Most of all from the negative impact of weeds, immature shoots suffer. The sooner you take action, the better the green lawn will look.

Weed Control Activities

To keep lawn grass in perfect condition, you must follow these rules:

  • To improve planting, you need to regularly cut. Thanks to it, annual weeds do not have time to shed seeds. It is recommended to mow the area at least twice a month.
  • Undersized bindweeds below the mowing level are exterminated by combing the lawn.
  • Perennials that have a well-developed root system can hardly be eliminated by cutting and combing. In this case, special garden equipment is required. This method is acceptable if there is not a lot of weeds.
  • Moss that has appeared on the lawn is disposed of through aeration of the soil cover, timely top dressing and liming.
  • A large number of weeds is a good reason to use herbicides. They can have a selective or continuous effect.

Weed Controls

The most dangerous weeds for lawn include plantain, sow thistle and dandelion. When mowing, buds wake up on their roots, which give impetus to the development of additional branches. Such weeds in the first year after planting should be removed manually. In this case, it is advisable to get rid of the entire rhizome.

From the remaining parts of the root system, new plants can form.

The situation is often complicated by drought or high humidity. In the first case, the root cannot be completely removed; in the second, the weeds will grow too quickly to get rid of them by mechanical processing. It is best to start it immediately after prolonged rainfall.

To facilitate the process, you can use special equipment. The list includes:

  • Extractor. The length of this device is 1.1 m. The procedure is not difficult. The tip inserted into the center of the weed is pulled out after scrolling;
  • Root eliminator. This is the name of the scapula, through which rhizome weeds are removed. The length of its narrow part is 30 cm. To cover the weed, the metal is bent at the right angle. The only drawback of this tool is the force that you have to apply when using.
  • A good alternative to the latest fixture can be a homemade tool. The metal corner must be sharpened at the right angle. The handle must be welded so that the gardener does not experience inconvenience when using the device. Earth pits formed as a result of weeding should be immediately covered with pre-prepared soil and sown with grass mixtures.

Features of the application of herbicides

The need for herbicides arises if the site is heavily overgrown with weeds. Chemicals are used in the preparatory phase and during sowing. Their functions may include both protection of plantings from weeds, and the complete destruction of the lawn. When buying drugs from this category, you should focus on the scale of the planned event.

Selective Weed Controls

Selective herbicides are most often used in the first year after planting a lawn. Gardeners who decide to give preference to these compounds, when choosing the right remedy, must take into account the level of its effectiveness.

Lontrel 300

This herbicide is based on clopiraralide. This hormone slows the development of weeds, which leads to their complete destruction. Both annuals and perennials lend themselves to its effect. The drug should be used after cutting the green carpet, and it is advisable to do this in dry, cool weather. The result will be noticeable after 14 days.


The drug is popular among gardeners. The active component quickly penetrates into the plant and prevents its further growth. Weeds begin to dry 7-10 after treatment. At the same time, lawn grasses remain intact. An additional bonus of the Hacker is environmental safety. It is allowed to use for cleaning weeds, parks and squares from weeds.


This drug is from a large number (over 100) of broadleaf weeds. Its active ingredient is dimethylamine salt. This herbicide is safe for humans, animals, insects and cereals. The action begins after 2 weeks after application. Complete destruction of weeds occurs in a month.

Lapis lazuli

The drug is not suitable for soil treatment, which differ:

  • high sand content;
  • insufficient or high humidity;
  • lack of humus;
  • the presence of pests.

The herbicide is dangerous, therefore it is strictly forbidden to spray it in nature protection zones, as well as near fishery facilities.

Lapis lazuli is designed to combat dicotyledonous annuals. To achieve a positive result, you will have to carry out several procedures. The drug does not accumulate in the soil cover. Weed plants die after the herbicide enters the leaf blades and root system. This drug can be combined with other compounds, which can significantly save.

The active ingredient is metribuzin. It slows down photosynthesis, provokes disturbances in the electron transport process. Weeds do not get used to the active component, therefore, the drug can be used more than 2-3 times. Lapis lazuli received the third class of danger.

It should be noted that, using selective herbicides, the gardener should not neglect personal protective equipment.

Continuous herbicides

They are recommended to be used only in the most critical cases. Solid herbicides may be useful if:

  • the plot is prepared for planting a lawn grass mixture;
  • there was a need to remove all plantings.

This category includes drugs such as Tornadoes and Diquat. The first includes glyphosate. The drug is sold in the form of ampoules, the volume of which can vary from 5 to 1000 ml. To prepare a solution from weeds, you must follow the instructions for use. The product is stored in the soil for 8 weeks.

The basis of Diquat is the active substance of the same name. It does not adversely affect a person. To get the maximum effect, weeds should be sprayed if the air temperature is not above +25 ° C. The result appears in a week.

More about some drugs and their use in this video.

Folk remedies for weed control

Weed can be treated with safer means than herbicides. With wild crops that "broke" through the turf, mixtures that consist of:

  • salt (2 tablespoons) and vinegar (5 tablespoons). These ingredients are added to 1 liter of hot water. The composition should be used immediately after preparation. Procrastination can lead to the loss of all beneficial properties;
  • vinegar and citric acid. They are connected, guided by a proportion of 3 to 1, respectively;
  • medical alcohol and salt. Components are used individually. First, the plants are sprinkled with salt, and then they are already watered with an alcohol solution (10 l of water accounts for only 1 l of the main ingredient.

Experts advise to do machining in the first year after planting a lawn. Subsequently, this will not be enough.

Spraying chemicals all over the site can lead to negative consequences. To avoid them, processing is often carried out pointwise.

In any case, the gardener should be guided by the instructions for use attached to the selected herbicide. Ignoring the above measures is fraught with the complete crowding out of the planted culture.


Watch the video: How to Fix a Lawn Full of WEEDS - DIY Weed Control (October 2024).