
When clematis blooms, what are cropping groups

Clematis is a lush beautiful flowering vine. Florists love it, because the period when clematis blooms is very long. The flowering itself is magnificent, the flowers are large and bright. How much clematis blooms depends on both the variety and the proper care of it. When clematis blooms. Since the flowering time is different depending on the variety, from the end of spring to the beginning of autumn, gardeners have the opportunity to enjoy this miracle.

Gasteria: home care and methods of reproduction

Succulents and cacti can often be found on the windowsills of houses. They are cute and look neat. The article tells about the plant species Gasteria: a review of the varieties, the rules of cultivation and care, the breeding procedure. Gasteria: types and description Gasteria is a genus of the Asphodel family, which consists of 26 species.

Gooseberry Malachite - what to do with the plant after picking berries

Gooseberries have long been one of the favorite plants of gardeners. It is not surprising that it was in the postwar years that they began to cultivate it as an indispensable element of berry planting in summer cottages. After all, berries contain just a huge amount of vitamins. In addition, many varieties, as it turned out, tolerate frosts very well, which expanded the distribution area far to the north.

How to make beautiful beds in your garden: a selection of original ideas

When summer residents break garden beds, they are increasingly moving away from traditional rectangular shapes to give the garden an interesting look. And if there is a shortage of free space on the site, you want to break the lawn for rest and create a pleasant landscape, and at the same time save a place for growing "vitamins". In this case, instead of flower beds, beautiful beds are broken, which please the eye no worse than blooming roses or petunias.

Sweet cherry Night - a delicious hybrid variety

Among the recently popular hybrids of cherries and cherries, the so-called dyukov, the Nochka variety, originally from Ukrainian Donetsk, turned out to be successful and in demand. About the features, advantages and disadvantages, the rules of planting and care, possible pests and diseases, about combating them and about prevention, you need to know when choosing this duke for planting in your personal or summer cottage.

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