Nerter - care and reproduction at home, photo species


Nertera (Nertera) or coral moss is a ground cover plant from the madder family. The culture is characterized by small, creeping bushes with small bright green leaves..

White flowers, arranged one at a time. The flowering period falls at the end of spring. The homeland of Nerter - the tropics and subtropics of South America, Asia and Australia

After flowering, it ties up small, round fruits of red or orange color. Due to their resemblance, Nerter is often confused with gelksina. But after the formation of berries, all doubts disappear.

Despite the fact that the plant is perennial after flowering, it is very difficult to maintain. For a successful wintering, he needs a rest period.

By the way, would you like to grow a home-made banana?

Average growth rate.
The flowering period falls at the end of spring.
The plant is easy to grow.
Despite the fact that the plant is perennial after flowering, it is very difficult to maintain.

Peculiarities of Nerter Care (short)

Nertera at home requires some care:

Temperature modeCool conditions, in the summer it is optimum + 20-22 °, in the winter no more than + 10 °.
Air humidityRequires regular spraying. At the time of flowering, the pot with the plant is placed on a pallet with wet expanded clay.
LightingBright, scattered, without direct sunlight. In winter, requires additional illumination.
WateringModerate, preferably through a pallet. In winter, once every 2 weeks.
PrimingA loose, fairly moisture-resistant substrate. With mandatory arrangement of drainage.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the period of intensive growth, once a month, diluted twice with fertilizer for decorative and deciduous.
TransferIn the spring before the start of intensive growth.
BreedingSeeds, dividing overgrown bushes, cuttings.
Growing FeaturesIn the summer, it is better to take it to fresh air in a shady place.

Nerter: home care. In detail

Nertera grandesis home. A photo

Home care must be carried out in compliance with certain requirements.


Nerter's flowering period occurs in late spring and early summer.. At this point, the plant is covered with numerous tubular flowers of greenish-white color.

After a month, the berries begin to set on the plant. By autumn, ripening, they acquire a bright orange or red color.

They cover the bush so densely that practically no leaves are visible under them. They ripen unevenly, so the bush is constantly covered with multicolored scattering.

Temperature mode

The nerter plant at home should be grown at moderate temperatures. In the spring and summer, it is optimal for her + 20-22 ° C. By autumn, the temperature is gradually reduced to + 10-12 ° C. Coral moss should winter at + 8-10 ° C. From November March to March, he begins a period of rest. During this period, you need to ventilate the room as often as possible.

As soon as a positive temperature is established on the street, the plant is immediately taken out.


When caring for Salsa at home, systematic spraying is necessary. A high level of humidity is especially necessary during the period of intensive growth from March to September. For spraying use pre-settled water at room temperature.

When flowers and berries appear, spraying is better to reduce or stop completely. To maintain the required level of humidity, water containers are placed next to the plant or a pot is placed on a layer of moist expanded clay.


A home nerter needs a lot of bright, diffused light. It also develops well in partial shade. The plant should be protected from direct sunlight.

In the autumn-winter period, it is advisable to organize a backlight. For this, ordinary fluorescent fluorescent lamps are suitable. The light source is placed at a distance of 40-50 cm.


During the period of intensive growth, the plant is watered sparingly.

Topsoil must be dry.

In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum, but the substrate should be constantly slightly moist.

With the beginning of growth, watering is resumed.


Coral moss has a superficial root system. Therefore, a wide and shallow pot is best for him. When choosing, preference should be given to plastic containers. They better maintain soil moisture.


Nertera develops best in a sandy, permeable substrate. In it, the likelihood of rooting out is reduced to a minimum. For the preparation of soil mixtures, turf soil with the addition of humus and sand is used as the basis. The main criterion for coral moss is its moisture capacity. Therefore, vermiculite or perlite can be added to the substrate to improve performance.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Coral moss specifically refers to fertilizer application. It reacts sharply negatively to excess nitrogen, but at the same time needs a large amount of phosphorus. Fertilizers are rarely applied, not more than 1 time per month, and then in a half dose. In the resting period, top dressing is stopped altogether.


Nerter transplantation is carried out in early spring.

The plant is simply gently transferred into a slightly larger pot. The earth around the roots does not need to be compacted.

When transplanting, we must not forget about the arrangement of drainage from expanded clay. At first, the plants are kept in partial shade and cool.

After the start of active growth, they are rearranged in a more illuminated place.


Nerter do not carry out continuous pruning. To rejuvenate the plants, division of overgrown bushes is used. In the spring, with the help of sharp scissors, dry and elongated shoots are simply removed from the bushes.

Rest period

From the end of October to November, the coral moss begins a pronounced period of rest. During it, growth stops completely. During this period, it is very important to ensure a low temperature. This will save the plant.


Growing seals from seeds

They begin sowing seeds in late January and early February. To do this, prepare a loose, moisture-resistant substrate and a plastic container. Seeds are evenly distributed over the surface, after which they are covered with a thin layer of soil.

Shoots appear slowly and unevenly. In total, germination will take about 3 months. Seedlings dive into separate pots as they grow up. In this case, the sowing capacity continues to be watered. The remaining seeds can still germinate in it.

Young plants are necessarily fed once a month. In the future, they require the same care as adult plants.

Nerter propagation by dividing the bush

Division of overgrown plants is carried out in early June. To do this, wait for the berries to fall. It can also be combined with a planned spring transplant. The division process itself is as follows:

  1. The bush is carefully knocked out of the pot.
  2. Using a sharp knife, the root system is cut into several full parts. Too small plants do not take root well and do not form dense, full-fledged curtains for a long time.
  3. Delenki planted in separate containers with a nutrient substrate.

At first, young plants are rarely watered. Then watering is gradually increased.

Diseases and Pests

  • Nerter stretched and exposed. The problem arises with improper care: the absence of a dormant period and too high a temperature in winter.
  • Nerter have no berries or flowers. The reason may lie in the too high nitrogen content in the soil. Also, the plant may suffer from too high a temperature.
  • Rotting stalk. The development of rot is the result of excessive watering in the absence of drainage.
  • Brown leaf color. Indicates an excess of sun and high temperature.
  • Shriveled berries. The plant was not provided with proper wintering at low temperatures.

Nerter can suffer not only from diseases, but also from attacks of pests: mealybug, aphids, whiteflies, thrips, spider mites.

Types of home seals with photos and names

In indoor floriculture, the following types are used:

Nerter pressed

Perennial plant with creeping stems densely covered with small leaves of dark green color. The flowers are pure white or with a slight greenish tint. Fruits in the form of tiny peas of saturated orange color. Berries retain decorativeness throughout the winter.

Nertera Granada, Granadensis

A small groundcover (Nerter), no more than 2 cm high. In late summer, after unremarkable flowering, attractive fruits of bright orange color form fruits. Berries are kept on the plant for several months.

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