Homalomena - home care, photo species


Homalomen (Homalomena) belongs to the Aronnikov family (Araceae) and is a perennial, evergreen herb, some species of which are grown in home flower growing for decorative purposes. Homeland Homalomens - tropical South American and Asian regions.

Thanks to a powerful root system, it grows rapidly. The long petioles of the heart-shaped leaves form a large basal rosette. Leathery leather plates with solid edges and pronounced veins.

Inflorescence is a dense ear. In folk medicine, it is sometimes used for medicinal purposes. It is necessary to grow with caution, since the vegetative organs of Homalomena contain toxic substances.

Also see how to grow a similar plant - aglaonema.

High growth rate.
At home, Homalomena rarely blooms, it is better to cut the flower immediately.
The plant is easy to grow. Suitable for a beginner.

Homalomena: home care. Briefly

The plant is not very capricious, but still imposes certain requirements on the conditions of detention, under which the homalomena feels good at home:

Temperature modePrefers moderately warm contents without hypothermia and draft.
Air humidityNeeds high humidity in the room.
LightingThe light should be bright, slightly diffused.
WateringMaintain a moderately moist soil.
Homalomena soilLightweight, fertile, with good air exchange is preferable.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFertility of the soil is supported by organic top dressing after 6-9 weeks.
Homalomen transplantIt is made in the spring annually or as needed.
BreedingApply division of the bush or cuttings by daughter processes.
Growing FeaturesEasy to propagate. When growing, care must be taken not to get burns.

Homalomena: home care. In detail


In the natural environment, Homalomena gives a fairly dense inflorescence, collected from tiny pale green flowers that do not have perianths. In shape, the inflorescence resembles an ear of corn. Indoor flowering is quite rare.

Temperature mode

The flower negatively refers to low air temperatures, drafts and cold airing. In the summer, homalomen at home develops best at a moderately warm temperature from +22 to + 26 ° C.

Lowering the temperature below + 15 ° C is not recommended even during winter dormancy.


In order for the homomomen plant to develop well at home and have a healthy appearance, it is necessary, by all possible means, to maintain high humidity.

It can be an air freshener, a spray bottle, a tray with wet material. Spray the plant every 2-3 days. In winter and at low temperatures with spraying it is better to wait a bit.


The plant needs a lot of light all year round, but without prolonged exposure to the sun, in which the color of the leaves dims, burns appear. If there is not enough light, the growth stops, the leaves fade and turn pale.

Watering Homalomena

Home care for Homalomena provides for constant monitoring of soil moisture. A signal for the next watering is the drying of the soil surface. It should not be allowed to dry out; the soil should be moderately moist.

From spring to autumn, watered 2-3 times a week, in winter, the time between waterings is increased to one week.

Homalomena Pot

The size of the container is selected depending on the size of the bush and increase as it grows. Too large a size contributes to the formation of numerous daughter sockets, which spoils the decorative bush. The pot can be ceramic or plastic with drainage holes to remove excess moisture.


The soil for homalomena should have a loose structure, a neutral or slightly acidic reaction, and a high humus content. Best purchased mix for aroid, fully balanced in nutrients.

A mixture is prepared from equal parts of coniferous, leafy land, peat and coarse sand. At the bottom of the pot pour any drainage material that will ensure the outflow of excess water from the soil.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

The plant needs infrequent (after 2-3 months), but complete nutrition with a complex of fertilizers for decorative - deciduous or aroid flowers. Liquid organic fertilizers are also used.

Fertilizing is carried out with an aqueous solution and combined with watering.


The plant grows quickly enough, so the homalomena transplant should be performed as the root system fills the entire volume of the pot. Initially, vegetation is transplanted annually, then once every 2-3 years.


The bush needs only hygienic pruning, in which dry, damaged leaves with signs of disease are removed. Pruning is carried out with a sharp knife or secateurs. Cutting sites are recommended to be processed with crushed charcoal or activated carbon.

Rest period

Home Homalomena does not have a pronounced dormant period and develops well with artificial illumination. If it is not possible to lengthen daylight hours, the plant slows its growth. During this period, it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering, remove the flower from the radiators, and place it in a cool room.

Lowering the temperature below + 15 ° C is not recommended.

Homalomena propagation by division of the bush

The possibility of dividing the bush occurs when it is transplanted. The overgrown rhizome is divided into several parts, each of which has root processes. Dividing into too small parts is not recommended, as this injures the plant.

Places of cuts are disinfected with coal. The resulting parts are planted in prepared pots with moist soil and, for adaptation, left in a slightly shaded, warm place.

Homalomena reproduction by daughter processes

With the growth of the plant, new rosettes of leaves with their own root system are formed next to the mother bush. They are carefully dressed and planted in a new container. With this method of reproduction, the plant is less injured, and the daughter process easily survives in the optimal microclimate.

Diseases and Pests

In violation of the conditions of detention, the plant immediately reacts with the state of its autonomic organs:

  • Homalomena leaves turn yellow while spots appear on the leaf blades, which means that the plant receives excess sunlight.
  • The lower leaves dry and fall off. If these are old leaves, then perhaps this is a natural physiological process.
  • Homalomena is slowly growing with insufficient nutrition, requiring transplantation and soil replacement.
  • Homalomena leaf tips dry or turn brown in conditions of insufficient humidity.
  • Homalomena is greatly extended, while the leaves
  • I become pale, petioles are thin - in low light.

When growing homalomena, it is worthwhile to fear the mealybug, scutellum, and red spider mite.

Types of homedomain home with photos and names

In nature, about 120 species of homomomen are known, in indoor floriculture the most common are:

Homalomen Wallace (Homalomena wallisii)

Large leaves 20 to 25 cm long on short (10-12 cm) petioles stained in reddish color are collected in original, compact bushes. Variegated leaves. The leaf blade from the inside is the same color as the petiole. The front side of the leaf is light green with various impregnations of a dark green color.

Homalomen reddish (Homalomena rubescens)

The height of the bush can reach 1 m. Heart-shaped, large leaf plates are painted in a plain green color. Reddish petioles are collected in large sockets. It tolerates partial shade.

Now reading:

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Watch the video: Brown leaf tips signal underlying causes (October 2024).