The black leg of seedlings: causes and methods of struggle


Blackening of the legs is subject to seedlings of almost all vegetable crops. This disease is called rot of the root neck and often leads to the death of a seedling.

Causes of occurrence

As the name implies, rot leads to blackening of the legs of the seedling. The reason for this may be a number of factors:

  1. Soil contamination or insufficient disinfection.
  2. Exposure to drafts and temperature extremes.
  3. Frequent heavy watering.
  4. Overheating and high humidity.
  5. Dense landing.
  6. Lack of oxygen.

If there were violations of the conditions for the care and planting of seeds, then the likelihood of mold development in the upper layer of soil, which affects healthy plant tissues and leads to the destruction of the stem, is high.

Disease Prevention

Proper seed preparation and planting will help prevent blackening of the seedling.

When purchasing seeds, pay attention to the resistance of the variety to this disease. If they were processed in the factory, the manufacturer reports on the packaging. If seeds were purchased from hands or were obtained from good neighbors, they must always be kept in a disinfecting solution for half an hour before planting, for example, a weak solution of manganese or Fitosporin.

Soil also needs to be processed before use. Small amounts of earth can be calcined in the oven. Large volumes can be shed with a concentrated solution of manganese, a special drug, or just boiling water. Planting can be carried out no earlier than two days, so as not to ruin the seeds. After planting, the soil can be sprinkled with disinfected coarse sand. An effective solution for the prevention of rot is to plant seeds in peat tablets.

Ways to combat rot

If the seedlings are still struck by this unpleasant fungus, blackened seedlings should be immediately removed from the soil, and the remaining part of the seedlings should be sprayed with Fitosporin solution. They also need to spill the soil. If Fitosporin is not, you can use a solution of manganese. Top soil must be sprinkled with a mixture of ash and copper sulfate.

With a profound defeat of seedlings, it should be destroyed along with the earth, and healthy plants should be planted in disinfected soil, treated with a solution of any fungicide and placed in warm, protected from direct sunlight. A week later, if the disease no longer manifests itself, seedlings can be moved to a place with a lower temperature regime.

Folk remedies

Opponents of factory remedies for garden pest control offer alternative methods for the prevention of rot. Instead of treating the soil with specialized solutions, it is proposed to lay the soil in a heat-resistant container, scald with boiling water, cover with a lid or foil and send it to a hot oven for half an hour. The surface of the earth should be lightly sprinkled with charcoal powder or ash. After planting, you need to spill the soil with a soda solution (teaspoon per 200 ml of water).


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