Lily varieties with photos and names


Lily is a perennial bulbous plant of the Liliaceae family. Her motherland is Egypt, Rome. Distribution area - mountains, foothills, grassy cliffs, glades, fringes of Asia, Europe, North America, Africa, Western China. Flowers of a diverse palette attract the attention of flower growers and florists. It has healing properties.

A flower has long been known, many legends are associated with it. From ancient Greek is translated "white". Lily - a symbol of wealth, honor, immortalized on the coat of arms of France.

Description of Lilies

Scaly bulb from 7-20 cm in size, type: concentric, stolon, rhizome. Color white, purple, yellow. The roots under the onion are deep in the ground, provide nutrition. In some species, roots form from the underground part of the shoot, they absorb moisture from the soil, keep the plant straight.

The stem is erect, thick, smooth or pubescent, green, on one 4-5 colors. The length is from 15 cm to 2.5 m. The leaves are located at the base or evenly over the entire surface, they can be densely or rarely. There are varieties where air buds (bulbs) form in the axils of the leaves. With their help, the plant multiplies.

Leafless petioles, linear, lanceolate, oval, pointed with veins. Width - 2-6 cm, length - 3-20 cm, the lower ones are larger than the upper ones. In some varieties, they are collected in a basal rosette or twisted in a spiral.

Flowers are cup-shaped, tubular, funnel-shaped, bell-shaped, chalmoid, flat, star-shaped. Collected in panicled, umbellate, corymbose inflorescences. 6 petals and stamens. Colors other than white - yellow, pink, black, lilac, apricot, raspberry, red. Petals straight and scalloped, separate with specks. Oriental, long-flowered exude a pleasant smell, tubular - sharp, Asian without aroma.

Fruits - elongated capsules with brown flat seeds, triangular in shape.

Varieties of lilies

Species differ in the structure of the bulbs, the shape of the flower, inflorescences, content requirements.

AsianThe most numerous, up to 5000. The bulbs are small, white. Flowers with a diameter of 14 cm, of different palettes, are found in burgundy, except for purple and blue. Tubular, star-shaped, cup-shaped, in the form of a turban. Dwarf up to 20-40 cm and tall up to 1.5 m. Winter-hardy, grow in the sun, tolerate shade, bloom in early summer, bloom until August.
CurlyThere are 200 varieties, known as Martagon. Up to 1.5 m high. They tolerate frost, drought, and grow in the shade, they do not tolerate transplantation, they prefer calcareous soils. Flowers in the form of a turban "look" down. Color lilac, orange, pink, wine.
Snow whiteShoots are high. Moody, prone to fungal diseases, do not tolerate frost. The flowers are fragrant, in the form of a funnel, wide, blooming from June to August.
American150 varieties come in, bloom in July, are hardy, prefer slightly acid soil, plentiful watering, do not like transplanting.
Long floweredHeat-loving, susceptible to viruses. The flowers are white or light, often found in pots.
TubularThey include more than 1000 varieties. Flowers of a diverse palette and deep aroma. Up to 180 cm high. Immune to disease, cold-resistant.
EasternThey include 1250 varieties. They love warmth, sun, fertile soil. Height from 50 to 1.2 m. Flowers up to 30 cm in diameter, white, red. Blossom from the end of summer, the beginning of autumn.

Asiatic Lily Hybrids

Widely distributed among gardeners.

VarietiesDescription, features, flowering time /Height (m)Flowers, diameter (cm)
ElodieStem up to 1.2. For sunny places, loves fertile soil. May June.Terry, pale pink, 15.
Blazing DwarfUp to 0.5, grown in pots, plentifully, in early summer.Dark Orange, 20.
Flora CaptiveTo 1, suffers frosts. At the end of summer.Orange, terry, 20.
AaronUp to 0.7, unpretentious, resistant to cold, likes sunny places, June - July.White, terry, lush, 15-20.
Nove CentoFrom 0.6-0.9. July.Bicolor, yellow pistachio, with dark red spots, 15.
Mapira0.8-0.1 high. The stalk contains 5-15 buds, blooming alternately. In cold climates, shelter is required. June July.Wine black with orange stamens, 17.
Mystery DreamTo 0.8, loves sunny places and partial shade, fertile soil. End of summer.Terry, light pistachio, with dark dots, 15-18.
DetroitReaches 1.1. Resistant to cold. June July.Scarlet with a yellow middle, the edges are even or curved, 16.
Red twinStalk 1.1. Unpretentious, resistant to frost, disease. July.Bright scarlet, terry, 16.
Fata MorganaTo 0.7-0.9, loves the sun, but tolerates partial shade. On the stem, 6–9 buds are found until 20. July – August.Lemon yellow, terry with dark red spots. 13-16.
Lion Heart0.8 height. Tolerates frosts, blooms for a long time. On the stem 10-12 buds. June July.Dark purple, almost black with yellow tips, 15.
Double sensationUp to 0.6. Not afraid of drought, frost, disease. Mid July.Terry, red, white in the middle, 15.
AphroditeDutch variety, bush 50 cm wide, 0.8-1 height. He loves loose, sandy clay soil. July.Large, terry, pale pink with elongated petals, 15.
Golden StoneTo 1.1-1.2, in the first season it needs to be covered. July.Lemon yellow, with dots in the middle, star shape, 20.
LollipolOn a stem 0.7-0.9 tall with 4-5 flowers. It is steady against frosts - 25 ° C. June July.Snow-white with small purple dots, the tips are scarlet, 15-17.
MarleneFascinating, forms almost 100 flowers. 0.9-1.2 high. Requires support and frequent top dressing. June July.Pale pink and bright in the center, 10-15.
Spring pinkFrom 0.5-1. During the fasciation period, support and additional fertilizers are needed. The end of June-July.Terry, white and pink, with a border, 12-15.
Black charmTo 1. Unpretentious. Early summer.Maroon, appear black, 20 cm.
Tinos1-1.2 high. On the stem 6-7 buds, bright coloring is possible in sunny places. July August.Two-tone, white, cream, in the center raspberry, 16.

Curly Lily Hybrids

Selected from curly mixed with Hanson.

LankogenenseLilac, edging white with burgundy specks.
Claude ShrideHalf cherry dark
Maroon kingHoney, speckled, cherry on the edges.
Gay latsBronze-yellow, in the center salad.
MarhanPink with orange dots and bent petals.
In memory of EsinovskayaBeetroot, center yellow-olive, subtle smell.
LilithRed and black.
Guinea GoldLilac from below, two-color from above - sand, dark red.
HybedCopper-raspberry with speckles.
Jacques S. DiitLemon yellow.
Orange MarmaladeOrange, wax.
Mahogany BellsMahogany.
Paisley hybridGolden orange
Mrs. BeckhouseAmber with dark dots.

Snow-white hybrids of lilies

Origin from European, grow up to 1.2-1.8 m. Tubular, funnel-shaped, white, yellow, 12 cm in diameter flowers. Inflorescences contain up to 10 buds, exude a pleasant, strong aroma. Not popular in cold regions due to low frost resistance and susceptibility to fungal infections.

The most famous: Apollo, Madonna, Testacium.

American Lily Hybrids

Bred from North American: Colombian, Canadian, Leopard. The transplant is poorly tolerated, they multiply slowly.

GradeHeight, mFlowers
Cherrywood2Wine with pink tips.
Battery backup1Bright honey with fiery dots.
Shaksan0,8-0,9Gold with brown spots.
Del north0,8-0,9Yellow-orange.
Lake Tular1,2Bright pink and white at the base with dark dots and a lemon stripe in the middle.
Afterglow2Scarlet with sand and cherry blotches.

Long-flowered lily hybrids

Selected from Taiwanese, Filipino. They are afraid of the cold; they are kept in greenhouses.

Grade whiteHeight, mFlowers
Fox1, 3White with yellow
Haven0,9-1,10White, green in the middle.
Elegans1,5Snow-white, light green in the center

Tubular Lily Hybrids

Late-flowering, popular among gardeners.

GradeHeight, mFlowers
Royal (Royal)0,5-2,5White, sandy in the middle, pink on the outside.
Regale2 mSnow-white with a honey tint inside, raspberry-colored outside.
African queen1,2-1,4Orange-apricot, light purple on the outside.
Aria1,2White, inside dark sand with dots.
Golden Splender (Golden Luxury)1,2Large, amber yellow.
Pink Perfection1,8Lilac-pink.

Oriental Lily Hybrids

When growing require special attention, the growing season is from March to October.

GradeDescription, flowering time /Height (m)Flowers, diameter (cm)
CasablancaUp to 1.2. In the inflorescence of 5-7 buds. The end of July.In the form of asterisks, they look down, white with a light salad shade and a pleasant smell. 25.
ExtravaganzaUp to 1.2 m. Inflorescences are racemose, loves fertile soil, requires shelter. July to September.Fragrant, white with a cherry-pink stripe, wavy. 25.
Beauty TrendReaches 1.2. It blooms profusely. Resistant to cold.Terry, white with a purple border.
Salmon StarUp to 1 m. Prefers sunny places, sheltered from the wind, drained, fertilized soil. End of summer.Corrugated, light salmon, with orange spots, have a stable aroma.
Lovely GirlReaches 0.7-0.8 m. Resistant to disease, multiplies rapidly. June July.Cream, with a bright orange strip and red dots, wavy at the edges. 20 cm
Black Beauty1.8, in inflorescences up to 30 buds. Winter hardy. August.Wine, burgundy with a narrow white border. They smell good.
BarbadosThe stem is 0.9-1.1 m. It has up to 9 buds. Inflorescences are umbrella or pyramidal. He likes sunny, slightly shaded areas. July-September.Dark scarlet with spots, white border, wavy. 25 cm
Star Klass1.1 m high, inflorescences contain 5-7 buds, flowering - the end of July."Looking up", star-shaped, pink in the center white, with a yellow stripe. 19 cm.
Marco PoloReaches 1.2 m. In the inflorescence of 5-7 flowers. The end of July.Pointed up in the shape of stars. In the middle, light pink, with a lilac edge. 25 cm
Medjik StarStem up to 0.9 m, leafy. July August.Pink-raspberry, terry, white at the edges, corrugated 20 cm.
AcapulcoUp to 1.1 m. The inflorescence contains 4-7 flowers. July August.Cupped look up. Pink-red, wavy, 18 cm.
CanberraHeight 1.8 m. In the inflorescence of 8-14 buds, frost-resistant. Aug. Sept.Wine with dark spots and fragrant. 18-25 cm.
StargaserFrom 0.8 -1.5 m. Up to 15 buds. August. It can grow on any type of soil with good drainage.The edges are light, wavy, in the middle pink-crimson, 15-17 cm.


Watch the video: What Are the Different Types of Lilies? (October 2024).