Flowers for bouquets with photos and names


Flowers always accompanied a person in moments of celebration, in joy and grief. Interior decoration with live garlands, original compositions as a gift are relevant today as well as in ancient times. Now flowers for a bouquet are a whole science called floristry.

Features of the selection of flowers for a bouquet

Floristic assemblies are diverse; they delight in their shapes and color combinations. For the bouquet is important, first of all, the correct selection of plants, and in the second is the composition.

Here are the basic rules for forming a bouquet:

  1. To create a competent bunch, choose no more than 3 varieties of flowers and always a little green.
  2. A bouquet cannot be overloaded with a large number of plants; it is important to pay attention to color combinations.
  3. In order to keep the composition fresh, the craftsmen cut off the leg of each flower with a pruner or a special knife at an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. When creating a bouquet, it is better to abandon flowers that can negatively affect neighbors as a result of the chemical characteristics of the juices secreted by them. Such aggressors include lilies of the valley, daffodils, orchids, lilies, tulips, carnations.
  5. The choice of colors depends on the shape and size of the composition. It is undesirable to use many large buds in small bouquets. The predominance of small inflorescences will not look very harmonious in a large composition.

The best flowers for bouquets

Among the variety of plants, there are a number of special ones that most successfully look in a bouquet and harmoniously combine with neighbors.

Rose flower

Deservedly bears the title of "Queen of Flowers". She looks great both in a bouquet and in a flowerbed. In addition to the fact that this flower has many species, it goes well with other plants. The bouquet is often supplemented with lilies, lilacs, hydrangeas, lavender, calla lilies, gypsophila, alstromerias. There are many color shades of the plant, so choosing the right one is quite simple.

Disastrous for a rose will be the neighborhood with poppies, carnations, tulips, lilies of the valley and daffodils.

For the design and packaging of the bouquet, it is recommended to use modest materials, since the rose itself draws enough attention to itself.


This is an autumn flower, which is distinguished by a variety of species and shades. In the composition, it can often be seen in combination with gerberas, roses or alstromeries.

Due to the fact that flowering occurs during the harvest period, florists often supplement bouquets with berries on long stems.

The peculiarity of the chrysanthemum is that even in a cut form it retains freshness for a long time and pleases with beauty for up to a month.

Also read about growing chrysanthemums in a pot.


A flower with a thousand-year history, which is not only beautiful, but also has healing properties. There are many varieties of it: buds vary in shape, color and structure. This variety allows masters to create compositions that include several shades of the same kind.

Peony is self-sufficient and unusually beautiful. It can often be seen in bouquets of brides. In the work, florists use various shades of flowers, often add daisies, hydrangeas, and forget-me-nots to bouquets with peonies.

We recommend reading an article about peony care.


Translated from Greek astra means "star", which is quite symbolic. Bright flowers are distinguished by a variety of varieties and bloom almost all year round.

A bouquet of asters is usually made without supplementing it with other plants. Saturated flowers do not need to be complemented; nevertheless, it is necessary to use a frame in the form of greenery and the original packaging. Compositions look especially good in baskets. With proper care, the ligament can retain freshness for up to 2 months.

Read more about asters here.


The "school flower" or dahlia is actually from Mexico. It was brought to Russia in the middle of the 19th century, and then it cost one bud of 100 gold - this was a significant amount.

The variety of varieties is amazing, more than 10,000 varieties and 15 different shades, not counting the midtones. The flower has become a favorite among florists and is used not only in bouquets, but also in interior compositions. The beautiful classic shape of the bud perfectly complements the decoration for special occasions.

Dahlia is a rather unusual flower and differs from its counterparts by a hollow stem, so the plant leg is strengthened with wire.

Also read a great article about Dahlia on our website.


In common people, this flower is called "kasatik", the reason for this was the shape of the leaf, causing associations with a scythe.

Iris flowers have a thousand-year history and are distinguished by a variety of species. Today, more than 800 varieties are known, of which only 58 grow in Russia.

The tenderness, fragility and special structure of the bud are in many ways similar to the dress of the bride. Therefore, the plant is often used in wedding bouquets.

You can combine iris with lilies and lavender. The plant blooms 2 months a year and is not particularly resistant in cut form. However, his beauty compensates for all the inconvenience.

Read more about irises and their care here.


An unusual flower with a unique chemical composition of the juice, got its name from the Persian "turban". Indeed, the tulip bud resembles a turban.

A plant has been known since the 16th century, it was then that a large batch of bulbs was brought to Vienna for cultivation for medicinal purposes. Later, the flower reached Holland, from where it spread throughout the world.

In Russia, the plant was first discovered in wild form in the 12th century, but the cultural version first appeared in the 18th.

There is a legend about a tulip, which tells that happiness lives in its bud. People tried to get to him, but a flower was revealed to a little boy, who was sincerely delighted with his beauty and simply ran to him.

Today it is customary to give them unopened, this is considered a sign of good taste and quite symbolic.

The tulip is beautiful and self-sufficient, due to its special chemical characteristics it does not mix well with other plants. Bundles are usually complemented by airy greens and original packaging.


The flower is associated with a popular legend. The plant was named after a young man who was so narcissistic that he could not take his eyes off his reflection in the lake. He died, and flowers bloomed in his place.

Narcissus is really very beautiful and peculiar. It is characterized by a rather sharp aroma with stupefying notes. In the composition, it symbolizes egoism, and therefore it is used by florists with caution, especially in the technique of "talking bouquets."

Today, about 12 varieties of the plant are known, it is widely distributed in the European part.

Also read about the proper planting of daffodils in the country.


It symbolizes the sun and, regardless of size, causes warm, positive emotions.

Florists use the plant both independently and as a complement to bouquets. Small field daisies in combination with tulips, chrysanthemums and roses look especially good. Elegant inflorescences on thin legs give the composition completeness, lightness. Meadow - will create harmony in conjunction with field lavender. Such a bouquet will delight every woman, regardless of age.

Recently painted daisies have been popular. It is quite difficult to create a bunch using such plants; experience and excellent taste are needed.

The bouquet requires special care, it must be placed in a sunny place and often change the water. This will help preserve the freshness of the flowers for a long time.

Read more in the article on garden daisy.


Strict and aristocratic flower, most often it is used in business compositions or when choosing a gift for men. The plant is a kind of symbol of Victory Day and Defender of the Fatherland.

Despite masculinity, the bud itself and flower petals are very delicate and elegant.

More than 300 types of carnations are known, they differ in a variety of shades and bud size. Due to the chemical characteristics of the juice, the plant is rarely used in bundles, often on its own. As a complement to the bouquet, asparagus greens are most often used.


The plant with a tall stem and bell-like flowers has over 350 species.

In bouquets it is combined with dahlias, roses and lilies. Sometimes a delphinium of different shades is collected in a composition with airy greens.

Read more about the delphinium here.

Exotic flowers for arranging bouquets

Modern floristry allows compositions not only from popular flowers that we all know, but also from exotics.

In the preparation of bouquets, plants are involved, the names of which are known to few due to their foreign origin.


It is found among indoor plant lovers, a native of South Africa.

Amaryllis, used to create bouquets, is an artificially bred hybrid. There are flowers of various shades, from pale cream to dark purple. Striped species are found.

On one stem there are up to 4 large buds. All of them have a pronounced bell shape and have a pleasant aroma.


African Lily comes from South Africa. When flowering, it throws a powerful stem up to 1 m high, on which there are flowers of blue, lilac or blue shades, shaped like a lily.

Use it in elongated bouquets. Agapanthus inflorescence can contain up to 150 buds, which open gradually, providing up to 60 days of continuous flowering.

We recommend reading an article about caring for agapanus at home and in the country.


Originally from South America, was introduced to Europe in the 18th century, belongs to exotic plants, is well known in Russia. Alstroemeria is surrounded by an area of ​​magical rumors and legends; in the homeland, the Indians revered and cultivated it.

The beauty lies in the fact that when cut, it retains freshness for up to 3 weeks and has a neutral aroma. Every day, new buds open, refreshing the composition. The flower is widely used as an addition to bouquets due to its rich color palette. The flowering period lasts almost all summer.


The light and gentle bowl of the flower sways from the slightest blow of the wind, which is probably why it was called the anemone, translated from Greek as "wind".

Botanists distinguish two types of plants: chamomile and poppy. They are distinguished by the shape of the petal.

It blooms almost all year round around the globe. Having blossomed, it has a diameter of not more than 4 cm, and a height of about 15 cm. Many shades of the plant are known.

In the compositions, anemones are used more likely as auxiliary ones, but there are also individual ligaments, most often imitating a bouquet of “poppies”.

Read more in the article about anemone.


Widely known among indoor plant lovers. Its inflorescence is a red, pink or white bowl with an ear in the center. The size of the flower reaches 10 cm.

The birthplace of Anthurium is the American tropics. They count more than 800 species, but most often they use flowers with bright shades in their compositions.

The use of anthurium in bouquets symbolizes good luck in love and the growth of creativity. Usually florists put it in a bunch with roses, lilies and orchids.


It is often confused with a snowdrop, most likely due to the fact that in its homeland in Asia Minor it blooms during the first spring rains.

The plant has come a long way from Asia through Turkey and Austria. Arrived in Holland, from where it spread throughout the globe.

Already, there are several thousand varieties of hyacinth, and new ones appear every year. Each species has its own flowering period, so you can use the plant year-round.

In combination with roses and orchids, its beauty and tenderness is revealed most effectively. Fresh aroma harmoniously complements the composition, and many different shades open up scope for creativity.

Read more about hyacinth here.


The flower was named after the sister of the prince of the Holy Roman Empire. Later, hydrangea received the second name "jug with water." It is believed that the reason for this was the great love of the plant for watering.

The global expansion of hydrangea began in the 18th century, when it was first brought from China. In the 19th century, it appeared in Europe and very quickly spread throughout the globe.

It blooms almost all year round in red, pink, blue, white, blue and lilac shades. Such flowering and beautiful large inflorescence stimulates the imagination and reveals creativity. Hydrangea can be seen in conjunction with roses, gerberas, forbs and in independent bouquets.

If you want to know more about hydrangea, open this article.


"Color Chamomile" is widely known not only to florists, but also just to amateurs. Juicy shades, a large flower and unique persistence have made gerbera popular throughout the world.

A plant native to the South American colonies took root in Europe pretty quickly. In the first year after planting, the bush does not bloom, but then it pleases the owner with a large number of buds on high legs. The size of the flower bowl can reach up to 30 cm in diameter, depending on the subspecies. Gerberas are distinguished by a unique number of shades and an unusually beautiful gradient from the center to the edge of the petals.


Small bright daisies came from South Africa, they are often confused with gerberas. Distinctive characteristics include a small flower size and a short stem.

Plants are persistent and can retain freshness for up to 20 days. In wedding compositions they are used without portbuketnitsy, they can easily do without water for a long time.

Germini combine with roses, field daisies, lilac, hydrangea.


The plant is found in Asia and Eastern Europe, has more than 100 species.

Gypsophila is a cluster of elegant branched stems with many small flowers. Small bowls of white and pink hue look tender and airy. In bouquets, large rounded or disk-shaped buds complement well.

The people of gypsophila received the nickname "cloud". It is perfectly preserved in cut form and can be dried for use in compositions.


An unusually beautiful flower has many names, but the most popular is calla. The birthplace of the plant is South Africa. They are divided into two types: some high with white bowls, others low with a colored blanket.

The bouquets are varied, but regardless of the choice of color, they are a symbol of beauty, admiration, delight. It is customary to give callas for a wedding, according to tradition, they relieve quarrels and misunderstandings in the family.

The bedspread is sensitive to touch. In the place of contact, a spot begins to appear, preceding the wilting. If contact is excluded, the cut flower can stand up to several weeks.

Read more in the article on callas.


The plant of the bellflower family from the Mediterranean has about 300 species, but only two have special names.

The Alba variety is called the bride, its flowers are characterized by snow-white purity. Maya variety - a beautiful blue shade called the groom. The use of plants in wedding bouquets is obvious.

The stem height of the campanula is small, only 15 cm. The diameter of the flower bowl is 3.5 cm. The plant is light-loving and does not tolerate cold.

In compositions used with roses, peonies, anemones and other large flowers.

The bride and groom are more written about the campaignanula or flower here.


A delicate plant blooms in early spring and late autumn, it is also known as saffron. The flowering period directly depends on weather conditions. A low stem supports an elegant bowl of white or lilac color.

In total, there are about 80 species of crocus, but, unfortunately, many of them are already listed in the Red Book. Most often in nature, saffron is found in the Mediterranean and Central Europe.

Crocus has been used since ancient times as incense, seasoning, numerous medicinal properties of the plant are known.

In bouquets they can act as an excellent addition to orchids, roses, peonies.

Also read about when and how to plant crocuses in the country.


To date, it has been found on all continents except Antarctica, but it grows most of all in the tropics. This parasite plant is characterized by the unprecedented beauty of the flower and far from always a pleasant aroma. There are some species with a frankly repulsive smell.

Orchids, depending on the species, are on long or short stems. Whole inflorescences are sometimes visible on tall legs, including from 5 to 20 flowers, which open gradually and can remain fresh for a long time.

In a bouquet, they are often installed in a special device with a water tank.

Also read articles about different types of orchids and proper care for them:

  1. Miltonia.
  2. Wanda.
  3. Cymbidium.
  4. Vanilla
  5. Ludisia.
  6. Masdevallia.
  7. Oncidium.
  8. Venus slipper.
  9. Zygopetalum.
  10. Cattleya.
  11. Brassia.
  12. Phalaenopsis.

Lily of the valley

Forest flower, growing everywhere. The flowering period is spring. He loves sunny glades and spills. The medicinal properties of the plant are widely known.

In the composition, lily of the valley is associated with sadness. This is due to the white color of the bowl and red fruits.

In bouquets, these flowers were first used by the French, later florists of other countries took the initiative. Some species are listed in the Red Book.

Read more in the article on lilies of the valley.


Evergreen shrub with a rich aroma, widely used in perfumery. About 50 varieties of the plant and its hybrids are known today.

Lavender got its name from the Latin word "wash." It used to grow in the Mediterranean and was used by the Romans to scent baths. Later in medieval Europe, lavender began to be used for medical purposes.

Florists appreciate the plant because it is able to decorate and refresh any bouquet, giving it special tenderness and grace. In addition, lavender stands cut for a long time, does not need watering.


The plant has more than 110 species. In Russia, about 18 of them can be found, but the most popular is the variety Saranka, which is known for its soft pink flowers and a complete lack of smell.

The neutral aroma for lilies is an advantage, as some of them have a heavy, suffocating odor. The plant is afraid of cold weather and needs good shelter.

This flower combines well with other plants, so it is often used in bundles with phlox, daisies, peonies and irises. It is undesirable to combine a plant with poppy seeds and cornflowers.

Also read about the varieties of lily and the rules for planting it.


Eustoma is from Central America. The flowering period is summer, but modern technology allows us to maintain growth throughout the year.

Despite the large number of species, only Russell's lisianthus is suitable for bouquets. The shades of the bud are soft purple, pink, white and purple. Two-color varieties won particular appreciation.

Apply a flower to decorate bouquets of brides. With its help, any composition acquires a special tenderness and airiness. The plant combines well with all exotics, emphasizing the individuality of the bouquet.


It got its name from the Greek word "beautiful". Her homeland is Mediterranean and Asian countries.

It first appeared in Europe in the 16th century, where it gained wide popularity. The flower symbolizes purity and purity.

In the Middle Ages it was used for medicinal purposes. It was believed that the tincture of daisies cures all diseases, if the patient has not recovered in 15 days, then he is destined to die.

In nature, there are more than 30 species, but only one is used in bouquets. Perennial daisy is red, yellow, white or pink. It goes well with daisies and roses.


Levkoy is an ornamental plant with a pleasant aroma. Flowers bloom at night, so their smell becomes more saturated and vibrant. It is also called "night violet."

There are 22 species that bloom from early summer to mid-autumn. Mattiola is frost-resistant and does not need frequent watering, most often it is planted in open ground.

Florists use plants in independent compositions and in bundles.


Christmas rose is not afraid of cold weather, despite the beauty and tenderness. The medicinal properties of the plant have been known since antiquity, but, besides this, it is famous for the fact that it can be poison.

In bouquets, white hellebore is good as a complement, it creates an emphasis on brighter buds, giving the bunch a special trembling tenderness.

In addition to the snow-white variety of hellebore, there are colored hybrids of dark purple, plum, red, yellow, green and almost black.


The "Sunny Flower" came from North America. The plant was brought to Europe by the Spaniards, later Tsar Peter brought it to Russia.

For people, a sunflower flower has different meanings, for example, in heraldry it is a symbol of peace, the light of the sun, togetherness and fertility. Today, there are more than 180 species. They differ in stem height, number of inflorescences, bowl sizes, shades.

Florists use the most convenient variety of Bear. It is small and fits well in the composition.


Anyone who has ever seen this herbaceous plant native to South Africa will remember it forever. Its inflorescence is popularly called the "bird of paradise."

The stem reaches a height of 1.5-2 m, while the trunk does not form. Strelitzia refers to the long-growing first flowering has to wait several years. It is undemanding in care and in a blossomed state costs a very long time.

The composition is used as a bright accent.


The South African plant began to grow as an ornamental by the end of the 19th century. The most popular species, hybrid freesia, is most widely used due to its aroma similar to the smell of lily of the valley.

A high stalk in the upper part branches, combining from 2 to 5 flowers in each inflorescence.

The color is diverse, they are used in compositions as an independent plant, as well as in bundles.

Read more in the freesia article here.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: interesting color combinations for beautiful bouquets

In order to create a beautiful bouquet, you will need not only imagination and skill, but also knowledge. There are a number of classic combinations for compositions:

  • A bouquet of chrysanthemums and gerberas is distinguished by its extraordinary durability, it will please the eye for at least 2 weeks. A large selection of shades allows you to collect unusually bright combinations.
  • A composition of lilies and gerberas always gives a very delicate and touching result. These flowers emphasize each other's beauty. A bunch of plants of this type in any color combination will be a win-win.
  • The combination of roses, gerberas and lilies is very good for voluminous holiday compositions. Light delicate lilies look great on the bright background of "big daisies", and delicate rosebuds add celebration and luxury.

It is worth noting that when creating a bouquet, florists use not only herbs and decorative cobwebs, but also fresh berries, fruits, as well as other unexpected elements of plant origin.


Watch the video: 10 Beautiful Wedding & Bridal Bouquets Ideas, Wedding Flowers & Bouquets Ideas#1 (October 2024).