Why violets do not bloom and what to do


Violet is a popular houseplant, characterized by a variety of species and forms. The flower is among the unpretentious, however, even with proper care, difficulties arise.

The reasons for not blooming violets

Senpolias are in demand due to their long flowering and variety of shades. The most common recognized is the Uzambara violet.

With proper care, a lush hat of flowers pleases the owner 10 months a year. Only in the summer period in extreme heat does the plant take a “vacation”.

It is difficult to say unequivocally what to do if flowering has stopped and does not resume. There can be several reasons and they need to be considered in a complex.

Experienced flower growers recommend first feeding the plant. If the situation does not change, there are a lot of leaves and not a single flower on the violet, then it's time to check all the components of proper care.

Reasons affecting the health of the senpolia:

  • pot size does not fit;
  • acidity or soil composition is impaired;
  • improper lighting;
  • failed transplant;
  • feeding mode shift;
  • lack of a break in flowering;
  • excessive air dryness;
  • pest infection;
  • violations of the gene pool.

Each of these reasons can cause violet disease, so the solution to the problem should be prompt and correct.


Choosing a pot is important for proper development and lush flowering. Too big a senpolia will give rise to the roots. The underground part should completely fill the space of the container, then the plant will have forces for flowering.

If it is small, you need to make a transplant. A sign that the violet is closely formed by the formation of additional "bushes" formed in the center, while the large lateral leaves die off.


The composition of the land for violets must be special. Even universal soil is not always useful to the plant.

The components of the correct mixture are combined in equal proportions:

  • land;
  • water;
  • air.

The earth must be light, for this special baking powder is added to it. Botanists use perlite and vermiculite, singly or in combination. They are added to the soil, so that it becomes breathable.

Fans of indoor plants can check the quality of the land mixture by dropping a finger in a flower pot. The correct composition allows you to touch the bottom of the tank. Such a structure should remain unchanged, if the soil hardens with time, it must be replaced.

Before planting, we check the acidity level of the land mixture. The optimum pH for violets 6.5 is a slightly acidic environment. Checking is carried out using special indicators that can be purchased at any flower shop. Stir the prepared soil and distilled water 1:10 and lower the tester into the mixture.


Proper lighting for the Saintpaulia should be bright and scattered, without direct sunlight. On the northern window, flowering is not worth the wait.

Fans of indoor plants are recommended to create additional sources of lighting. You can install fluorescent lamps.

Violets are enough for flowering for 10 hours, the rest of the time the equipment can be turned off.


Senpolias grow actively throughout the year, so they need regular fertilizer. To exclude skipping feeding, experts recommend diluting nutrients in water for irrigation.

Wicked plants are fertilized with a nutrient solution that is prepared in advance. During normal irrigation, a fifth of the monthly rate is added to water.

For violets, the preservation of the roots is important, therefore, it is recommended to use nutrient mixtures with a high phosphorus content. They strengthen the underground part, causing lush flowering.

Incorrect transplant

For plant health, the rules of transplantation must be observed. Adult violet is moved to another container, if necessary, twice a year, in spring or summer. When transferring a plant, it is important to keep the root system intact.

When removing a flower from an old pot, do not damage the earthen lump.

It is not recommended to touch with your hands and pull the gentle side roots.

Insufficient humidity

In the southern countries during the summer, the rooms warm up quite strongly during the daytime. Dry air is destructive for the senpolia and at a temperature above +22 ° C additional humidification is necessary.

The plant is regularly sprayed. You can set the pot on a pallet with wet pebbles and regularly replenish the tank with water without adding nutrients.

Genetic component

The variety of varieties is due to the work of geneticists. There are violets that bloom in a strictly defined period, others give out several large inflorescences once a month, some of them are decorated with a fluffy hat for most of the year. These are the features of the species that you need to know or clarify when buying.

But they all require proper care. If the rules are observed, the plant will delight with beauty. There are cases when even ideal conditions of detention do not give a result, this is a genetic disorder - it cannot be eliminated. They are usually disposed of.

Insect harm

Even at home, flowers can suffer from insects and harmful microorganisms. As a result of the disease, violet not only stops flowering, but also dies.

The main pests and methods of combating them are presented in the table.




ThripsSo small that they can only be seen by disturbing. Hiding insects in the anthers of the flower.They get rid of them by chemical treatment, having previously thoroughly washed the plant with soap and water and removed the affected inflorescences.
MealybugImmediately visible on the stems and leaves, these are small white lumps, similar to cotton wool.It is necessary to treat the plant with insecticides, although you can first try folk remedies. As a preventive measure, optimum air humidity is observed.
Mite cyclamenNot visible without special equipment. To determine the disease allows reducing the size and deformation of the flower, the center of the outlet is compacted.Pest control is difficult, therefore, affected individuals are recommended to be disposed of. If the plant is of great value, acaricides or insectoacaricides are used for spraying.
Powdery mildewIt looks like the plant is sprinkled with flour. This pest loves excessively moistened violets installed in rooms with poor ventilation.Insecticide is treated.

If any type of pest is detected, the plant must be isolated and quarantined until complete recovery.

Mr. Dachnik explains: additional reasons for the lack of flowering of violets

Incorrect pruning, irrigation irregularities, rare transplants are also causes of a lack of color.

A good development of the root system requires light soil with plenty of nutrients. With the active growth and nutrition of the plant, the earth quickly leaches out and flowering stops, so the transfer is necessary 2-3 times a year.

In most cases, violet problems result from several causes. You need to start recovery quickly and best of all from the level of illumination. This problem is most common.

With weak flowering and fast wilting pay attention to the location of the plant. Perhaps he was prevented by drafts or was missed feeding.


Watch the video: Q&A Why are my African violets not blooming? (October 2024).