Violet Whipped Cream: Variety Description, Planting and Care


Violet Whipped cream - breeding work of Elena Lebetskaya from Vinnitsa, author of more than 400 exquisite varieties of Saintpaulia. Appearing in 2011, she immediately won the hearts of flower lovers and became a welcome part of most collections.

Description and features of violets Whipped cream

The main feature of the variety is the powerful potential of continuous flowering and the exceptional symmetry of the leaf rosette. These features are inherent in all the work of the breeder.

The name of the cultivar is fully consistent with the author's description - the lush hat of the fully blossomed buds resembles a favorite treat.

Whipped cream forms a compact bush with a diameter of 17 cm. The color of the leaves is uniform, light green in color, the inside has a reddish tint. The edges are slightly wavy. Varietal coloring of plates is found in chimeras of the variety, which gives an additional charm to the plant.

A relatively small outlet is crowned with large terry inflorescences. Flowers with a tight fringe, pink - medium to dark raspberry. The color of the petals is uneven - even white and crimson tones are even on one flower. The appearance of shades is associated with the ambient temperature and the level of illumination. Therefore, one and the same plant constantly changes its appearance.

The buds are formed on strong peduncles that do not bow under the weight of large flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm. The duration of flowering is 60 days, after 3-4 weeks of rest, dissolution resumes, while completely changing the color design of the bouquet.

Unfortunately, the foamy white-pink splendor of Whipped Cream is gradually lost. The cultivar is considered to be short-lived, with a tendency to a gradual loss of signs: adult bushes increasingly produce solid red flowers. Wherein

Whipped cream is often confused with other varieties - Frosty or Winter Cherry, in which burgundy predominates.

Planting and growing conditions of violets Whipped cream

The senpolia is planted according to general rules:

  1. In a clean disinfected pot with drainage holes, lay out a 2-cm layer of expanded clay or broken brick.
  2. The prepared substrate is poured into about half the depth.
  3. They place a seedling, add soil, tamping it lightly.

The first watering is carried out only a day after planting. In this case, there is a guarantee that the wounds on the roots obtained during planting have already dragged on and rotting processes will not occur.

The conditions that best meet the needs of the plant and favor flowering are shown in the table.

LocationWestern or eastern window sills. Full protection against drafts.
LightingThe daylight hours are 12-14 hours. The color temperature is 4,000-6,200 K, the indicator corresponds to natural sunlight in the morning.
TemperatureIn the summer, within + 24 ... +26 ° С. In winter, no lower than +16 ° C.
Air humidityNot lower than 50%.
PrimingSpecial for senpolia or composed independently of turf, leaf and coniferous land, sand or peat in equal parts.
PotThe diameter is selected so that it is one third of the size of the leaf outlet. The material does not matter.

The nutrient substrate is sometimes made up of peat and perlite. The proportion is selected, taking into account the method of irrigation: top - 2 (3): 1; lower (wick) - 1: 1.

In order not to overload the plant with sprayings, which are contraindicated for it, fungicides in the form of activated carbon or sphagnum moss are mixed into the substrate.

To provide violets with enough light, you have to resort to additional lighting. The optimal choice is Phytosan phytolamps, which do not affect the microclimate, do not emit harmful substances and maintain excellent performance for many years.

Proper Violet Care Whipped Cream

If all the necessary conditions are created for a flower, caring for it turns out to be quite simple - regular watering and fertilizing.


This procedure is taken very carefully: excess moisture, especially in the hot season, ruins the violet in a matter of days.

Basic Rules:

  1. Water should be at room temperature or 2–3 ° higher, soft, settled for 2 days.
  2. Hard water is softened with lemon juice at the rate of 1-2 drops per 1 liter.
  3. After 20-30 minutes after watering, excess water from the pan is drained, wiped it dry.

Whipped cream is poured either from above, gently applying moisture along the walls of the pot, or from below, through a tray.

Top dressing

The first top dressing is administered no earlier than a month after planting / transplanting. Use specialized compounds for senpolia or universal for flowering plants - Kemira Lux, Royal Mix, others. When choosing complexes, attention is paid to its composition: the minimum amount of nitrogen should be contained so that instead of a lush white-raspberry haze, one does not get clean green leaves.

Experienced growers are advised to fertilize weekly, reducing the dosage by 2-3 times against the recommended one. With this regulation, flowers receive nutrients and trace elements in a more balanced amount.

Transplanting and propagating violets

Plants are transplanted annually in the spring. A day before the procedure, the soil under the flower is well moistened and a new container, fresh substrate and drainage are prepared. The size of the new pot is determined by the rules:

  • if the bush is divided, the diameter of the new container is left unchanged;
  • otherwise, the new container must be of such a volume that the old one is placed in it with a gap of up to 1 cm.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

As the bush grows, it independently forms a daughter plant, which is easy to separate from the mother plant during transplantation. The baby is planted in a separate pot.

Rules for propagation by cuttings

From the middle of the outlet choose a healthy young leaf with a long stalk. Cut it with a sharp disinfected knife at an angle of at least 45 °. The cut leaf is immersed in water prepared for irrigation, add 1 tablet of activated carbon.

With the advent of the roots, the stalk is planted in the ground, covered with a transparent cap and put in a well-lit place. After 10-15 days, when the first tiny leaves appear, the greenhouse is removed.

Seed propagation

Collectors often use this method to get new varieties of violets. Seed germination algorithm:

  1. Only high-quality seeds purchased at exhibitions or from collectors are suitable for planting.
  2. The soil for violets, purchased or compiled independently, is sifted and laid out in a seedling box, spilled with any fungicide.
  3. When the substrate dries a little, shallow grooves are made in it with a step of 3-5 cm and spread the seed material.
  4. Add a 2-3 mm layer of the same soil or fine sand.
  5. Humidify plantings through a spray gun.
  6. Before emergence, the seedling box is kept in a shaded place.

Mr. Dachnik warns: problems with growing violets Whipped cream and their elimination

Leaves stretch up, unnaturally raised.Light starvation.Rearrange the flower in a well-lit place.
The leaves died, but retained a natural trugor.Excess light.Lightly shade the plant.
Soft petioles and peduncles, black spots on them.Waterlogging of the soil.Remove the violet from the pot with a lump of earth and wrap it with paper towels.
Brown spots on the leaves.Violation of the temperature regime.Restore the required temperature.
Whitish bloom on all green parts.Powdery mildew caused by improper watering.Treat with fungicides under the root, strictly observe the water supply schedule and its amount.
Lots of leaves, no flowers.Excess nitrogen or improper growing conditions.Use special fertilizers with a low nitrogen content. Maintain the required level of illumination, temperature, humidity, protect from drafts.


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