Bluegrass: lawn species, their description, application, cultivation features


Bluegrass is a genus of cereal perennials or annuals. In the wild, it lives on both hemispheres in areas with a cold and temperate climate. Some species can be found on the highlands in tropical regions. The genus includes more than 500 species.

Consider the types that are used to create the lawn.

Bluegrass annual

Most often, varieties are annual, although perennials are sometimes found. Forms a turf from 5 to 35 cm in height. Forms small panicles up to 1 cm. In a natural habitat grows along roads, in ditches.

Annual bluegrass is not used in the ground grass, in it it is considered weed grass.

It develops well on any land, grows rapidly on trampled areas, tolerates a low haircut.

It is not intended for registration of lawns in the southern regions since in heat, the grass begins to turn yellow, fall out.

Bluegrass meadow

In the wild, lives in North Africa and Eurasia. Prefers mountain, lowland, upland and floodplain meadows.

Description of meadow bluegrass

A perennial herb in height reaches 0.3-0.8 m. Numerous stems are thin, with a smooth surface, form sods.

The leaf plates are flat, pointed at the ends. Rough on the inside. Painted in a pale green tone, have pronounced veins on the surface.

Spikelets are collected in spreading panicles. On one, 3-5 greenish or purple flowers bloom in May-June.

Resistant to adverse weather conditions, sudden changes in temperature. Able to withstand frosts to -35 ° C.

The use of meadow grass

Used to create lawns, incl. designed for high loads (e.g. sports).

The variety is resistant to trampling, grows rapidly after a low haircut.

Features of care for meadow grass meadow

It tolerates drought. Watering is necessary only with a prolonged absence of rain during the vegetative period. It grows on any soil, does not need to be mixed.

Varieties of bluegrass meadow

For registration of a lawn are suitable:

  • Andante is a low and dense grass that is immune to spotting.
  • Connie - forms a green, low, thick turf. The variety is resistant to many diseases and trampling.
  • Compact - with narrowed leaves. It calmly perceives mechanical stress and drought. After cutting, it grows rapidly.
  • Balin - is distinguished by resistance to trampling, diseases and pests, rapid growth.
  • Sobra - looks attractive on the lawn, tolerates aggressive environmental influences.

Seeds of any variety can be purchased in specialized stores.

Bluegrass onion

In the wild, grows in the steppes and semi-deserts of Eurasia and North Africa. Recognized as one of the best pasture plants.

Description of bluegrass bluegrass

The perennial forms thick sods, reaching a height of 10-30 cm. The root system is shallow, the stems at the base are thickened, bare and straight.

Numerous plain green foliage. The narrower, narrower folded sheets.

Inflorescences are collected in short, compressed panicles. Flowering occurs in late spring and early summer.

Bulbous bluegrass can be called viviparous. After falling, its spikelets take root, transform into bulbs and give life to new specimens. Sometimes they even germinate while still on the mother bush.

Application of bluegrass onion

Resistant to trampling, quickly restored, so it is used to create lawns of any kind.

Features of caring for bluegrass bulbous

It can be planted in regions where the temperature does not drop below -25 ° C. It tolerates drought. Even in the absence of rainfall, it needs only sparse watering.

It grows well in any soil, but they prefer light, airy, drained soil. Does not need any fertilizer.

Bluegrass Alpine

It grows on stony soils of alpine meadows in regions with a temperate climate of North America and Eurasia.

Alpine Bluegrass Description

It reaches a height of 0.5 m. Straight, slightly thickened stems of the perennial form a dense turf. The rhizome is short, located in the upper layers of the soil.

Leaves without lint, thin, pointed at the ends, of different lengths. The shade of the plates varies from dark emerald to gray-grassy.

Inflorescences are collected in spreading panicles. Spikelets of small size, egg-shaped. Each has 9 flowers, usually of purple color. Flowering begins in June-August.

Alpine bluegrass application

Use for registration of borders, stony hills. It is possible to grow in containers.

Features of caring for Alpine bluegrass

It tolerates temperatures up to -30 ° C. Normally, natural rainfall is enough to moisten the soil, but with drought you need to water several times a week.

It perfectly dispenses with the introduction of nutrient mixtures.

Common bluegrass

Forms turfs, reaching 20-120 cm. The root system is shortened, creeping. The foliage is bright green, smooth, up to 6 mm wide.

Prefers heavy and calcareous soil in wet areas.

It does not tolerate severe frosts, prolonged drought and intensive trampling.

Bluegrass forest

Perennial, forming soft, friable sods. It reaches a height of 0.3-1 m. The leaves are narrow, 1.5-2 mm wide. Inflorescences are collected in panicles of 10 cm. Flowering occurs in May-early summer.

It is used for a lawn laid in the shade of trees, as grass does not require a lot of light.

It prefers a moist and acidic substrate. He does not tolerate frequent haircuts, the lawn begins to thin from this.

Due to the variety of bluegrass species, it can be used to create a lawn for any purpose. The herbaceous mixture with this plant is sold in specialized stores. You can also cook it yourself by mixing the seeds of various plants intended for lawns.


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