I make sugar dressing for indoor flowers, and they began to actively grow and bloom


I consider granulated sugar to be one of the most affordable natural fertilizers for a number of indoor plants. I myself don’t remember where I came from this experience, but I successfully use it to feed my favorite flowers, I’m ready to share with you such technology that will give active growth and color to your green pets.

What colors need a sugar crust

I will say right away that sugar does not need to feed the newly planted young plants. But for "adult" ficuses, cacti, indoor palm trees and roses, dracaena and succulents, such a replenishment will be very useful. Those who have studied chemistry well at school remember that the products of sugar breakdown are fructose and glucose.

In this case, glucose is of interest to plants, and here's why:

  1. It is a source of energy for respiration, absorption of nutrients by plants, and other vital processes of flowers.
  2. Glucose serves as a building material for the formation of organic molecules of complex composition.

But glucose, for it to work well, needs conditions: it is absorbed only if there is a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide. Otherwise, sugar will become a source for the development of mold, rot in the root system.

How do I feed sugar

I use several options for cooking sugar with sugar for my home flowers:

  1. For fertilizer, I breed 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar in 1 liter of water.
  2. I sprinkle sugar in a pot and pour water over it.
  3. I make a glucose solution: instead of sugar I take 1 tablet of glucose (1 tsp) and dissolve it in 1 liter of water. I use this composition for watering, and for spraying the leaves I reduce the concentration by half.

Subcrustal glucose is considered even more effective than pure sugar. Water with this fertilizer (that of sugar, that of glucose) you need only moistened soil and not more than once a month. You can not overdo it in the watering with sugar and glucose water, an overdose will lead to the formation of mold.

I would advise you to use some drug from the "EM-preparations" series during such irrigation. For example, I take "Baikal EM-1" and I am sure that the digestibility of such fertilizer will be 100%, and at the same time protect plants from root rot and mold.

From my experience I will say that sugar dressing is most useful in the autumn-winter period, when daylight hours are shortened, plants receive little light and sun. I also feed glucose with flowering plants, then they keep the buds open and give a lot of new shoots.
