6 life hacks to help quickly wash dishes after a feast


The festive feast is behind, and a whole mountain of dirty dishes flaunts on the table. These 6 life hacks will help to cope with its washing quickly and with the least effort.

Wash the dishes as soon as they are free

Golden rule: if possible, never leave dirty plates. Wash the stewpan or pan with fresh dirt is much easier than cope with the old, when you can not do without prolonged soaking.

It is important that you do not initially put all used cutlery in the sink. It will be clean and free, which means that you can always wash one or two dirty mugs, plates, a free salad bowl. This saves time and does not require much effort.

Soak the dirtiest dishes

Be sure to soak particularly dirty objects. This can be done in the second sink or simply setting aside. Water will not allow food residues to dry to the walls and soften burnt fat. It is only important to choose the right water for soaking, as follows:

  • for crystal glasses, wine glasses, bottles, vessels from under milk drinks need cold water;
  • for porcelain, plastic, salads and desserts containers - warm;
  • for oily items - hot water with the addition of dishwashing gel.

It is not necessary for a quick cooling to substitute a hot pot, pan or cast-iron under cold water. Due to a sharp temperature difference, their protective coating is broken.

Use dishwashing utensils

You will not be able to quickly and cleanly wash the dishes without additional equipment and detergents. What could it be:

  • foam sponges (preferably bilateral);
  • brush with a long handle;
  • metal washcloth;
  • gloves (nobody canceled caring for hands);
  • a soft, lint-free towel that absorbs water well;
  • Microfiber rags, dishwashing gel, soda or mustard powder (good for fat).

Washing powder or bleaching agents with chlorine should not be used.

Do not put the plate in the plate

Do not randomly dump all the dirty dishes into the sink. One careless movement, and now you have missed the crystal glass or the enamel on your favorite plate is beaten off.

Dishes must be cleaned not only from the inside, but also from the outside. And if it will be all in fat and food debris, it will be done if not more difficult, then obviously not as easy as we wanted. In addition, it will be more difficult to sort it, which means that the washing process will drag on for a long time.

Do not spare the detergent

Quickly clean the kitchen utensils of grease and food debris, saving precious minutes of free time, if you do not spare the detergent. Do not feel sorry for the gel, otherwise it will not work to get rid of the pollution thoroughly, you will have to wash everything.

Pour more in a sponge and foam. Just remember to rinse thoroughly after washing under running water.

Sort the dishes when washing

After a plentiful feast, there are a lot of dishes. It will be more rational to categorize it: on the table are glasses and cups (without turning over!), Crystal and glass objects are nearby, in a high capacity knives, forks, spoons with the handles up, pots and baking sheets are left on the stove or in the oven.

It is necessary to start washing with glasses and glasses, then move on to cutlery, plates. Last pre-clean from food debris. The final stage - cleaning pots, pans, baking trays, cast irons.

Follow these simple rules, and then washing the dishes will be, if not your favorite pastime, then quick, easy and tireless.


Watch the video: 30 AWESOME HACKS FOR FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (October 2024).