The best varieties of black currant


It is difficult to choose the most suitable for your site from more than two hundred varieties of blackcurrant. There is the largest, fruitful, early, sweet one - it’s worth trying all the best that has been bred by domestic and foreign breeders.

How to choose currants for planting on the site

When selecting a variety, the following should be considered:

  • how drought tolerant it is;
  • as adapted to frost and temperature extremes;
  • flowering and harvesting period;
  • demanding care;
  • how strong is immunity to pests and diseases.

Relate the characteristics of the variety with the temperature regime of your region, soil fertility and other features of your area and site, and then evaluate it according to personal preferences:

  • which currant to taste do you prefer: more sweet or with bright acidity;
  • will your crop be transported. For this, it is important to know the thickness of the peel of the fruit and the dryness of separation.

The largest fruit varieties

With the mass of one blackcurrant berry more than 1.5 g, the variety is classified as large-fruited. Among these varieties there are also frost-resistant ones that easily adapt to heat and low humidity.


Elite large-fruited variety of currants. The weight of the berries reaches 8 g. The crop of Yadrenoy is ripening in late July, about 6 kg is collected from each bush. The advantages of the variety include:

  • dense and elastic flesh;
  • self-pollination;
  • persistent immunity to the tick mite.

Gardeners also note the significant shortcomings of Yadrenoy:

  • high requirements for care, systematic pruning;
  • the need to update the plant every 5-7 years;
  • uneven berries on the brush;
  • inability to transport fruits;
  • sour taste of berries;
  • exposure to powdery mildew.

The variety of Blackcurrant Yadrennaya is popular because of the large size of the berries.

But one of mine planted this year is the "Vigorous" variety, also not small. When the husband saw on the bush, he asked - this is WHAT, grapes :)




The weight of the largest berries of the variety is 7 g. By the middle of May, the currant blooms, harvesting begins after July 15. One bush can produce more than 2 kg of berries. The indisputable advantages of Dobrynia, in addition, include:

  • dry separation of fruits, as well as their dense peel. These features are important for easy transportation;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • sweet and sour aftertaste;
  • plant immunity to powdery mildew.

The disadvantages of the variety:

  • young cuttings take root poorly;
  • It is sensitive to the care and fertility of the soil;
  • affected by a kidney tick;
  • fruits ripen at different times;
  • berries on the brush are heterogeneous in size and size.

I really like the variety Dobrynya. Large berry, delicious. Surprised by the number of berries in the first year of planting. One just wants to eat this, let sin into jam. I am very pleased with her.



Blackcurrant Dobrynya - video


This is an early currant with a fruit mass of about 6 g. It gives a good harvest of about 4 kg of sweet, with a slightly perceived sourness of berries. In addition, they easily tolerate transportation. The bush is practically not affected by powdery mildew.

I have this variety. The bush is always very powerful. The shoot-forming ability is high, i.e., it reacts to pruning with even more young shoots. The gains are powerful. Self-fertile enough. With good agricultural technology, the harvest is excellent. The berries are delicious, with a thin peel, fragrant. Not all varieties can boast the aroma of berries.

Baba Galya


Selechenskaya-2 - one of the best varieties of currant - video

Black Pearl

The berry mass is approaching 5 g. The yield is sufficient: one plant produces an average of 4 kg.

Other valuable qualities of the variety:

  • fruits are easily transported. This contributes to the dry separation of berries;
  • harvesting can be mechanized;
  • undemanding to agricultural technology;
  • resistant to diseases such as anthracnose and kidney mites.

Cons of Black Pearl:

  • gradual harvesting due to non-simultaneous maturation of the brush;
  • soft currant aroma;
  • sour aftertaste.

The berries of the Black Pearl currant are rounded and weigh up to 5 g.

A distinctive quality of the variety is the high content of pectins in berries. This is true for those who actively use currants for jams and jellies.

The sweetest black currant

Currants are considered the sweetest, in which the largest number of healthy sugars and the smallest are acids. Such varieties have a pleasant taste with a slight acidity, as well as high winter hardiness.

Green haze

Variety characteristics:

  • average ripening period;
  • the berry weighs about 1.5 g;
  • yield about 4 kg;
  • undemanding to leaving.

The main drawback of currants is exposure to such a pest as a tick.

Green haze variety has one of the highest sugar content in fruits (12.2%).


A variety of medium ripening, high yield. The weight of the berry is about 1.5 g, it contains 10.8% sugar. Bagheera has many advantages:

  • resistance to heat and drought;
  • self-pollination;
  • the same size of the fruit;
  • friendly ripening of berries;
  • suitability for transportation.

The main disadvantage of the variety is its low resistance to currant diseases.

The variety is especially popular among those who are fond of herbal medicine, because the foliage of the plant persists almost until frost.

The maturation of the berries of the currant of the Bagira variety occurs simultaneously


Characteristic features of the variety:

  • large-fruited currants with a berry weight of up to 5 g and an annual high yield;
  • berries have a pronounced currant aroma;
  • self-fertility;
  • the fruit has a thin peel, so the portability is low;
  • not susceptible to powdery mildew and anthracnose, but affected by a kidney tick.

The sweetest blackcurrant - video

In the Netherlands, Ben Sarek, a dwarf blackcurrant, was bred with a bush height of not more than 90 cm (with an average currant height of 1.2-2 m). The plant is adapted to a cool climate, has large berries with a wine, sweet taste, gives a stable, evenly ripening crop.

Earliest and latest varieties

Varieties are considered to be early, from which you will begin to harvest in June.

Summer resident: early currant

This variety is distinguished by:

  • stable yield. The bush is self-pollinated, therefore less dependent on weather conditions and insects;
  • sweet taste. The variety will be appreciated by currant lovers, as in the berries of the summer resident there is practically no characteristic sour finish;
  • short stature. With a high yield, the lower branches will lie on the ground;
  • resistance to winter cold. Lowering the temperature to -32 ° C the plant tolerates well, but if the flowering falls on spring frosts, the bush requires protection (smoke or shelter).

Sweet currant berries of Dachnitsa will be especially appreciated by lovers of sweets, as they have practically no sourness

Exotic: early grade

Grade advantages:

  • large-fruited;
  • good winter hardiness;
  • sufficient productivity (up to 3 kg per bush);
  • the comfort of picking berries due to the presence of a straight thick axis of the brush resembling grape;
  • Immunity to powdery mildew.

Cons Exotics:

  • the plant does not tolerate drought, therefore, in the heat, systematic watering is required;
  • in conditions of high humidity, the berries are prone to decay;
  • the peel of the fruit is thin, so they will not tolerate long transportation;
  • low immunity to fungal diseases (except powdery mildew).

Exotic currant brushes have a straight thick brush axis, which greatly facilitates harvesting

Exotica currants have cherry-sized berries, I recommend.



Ultra-early variety Sorceress - video

Lazy dog: late currant

The name Lazybone received due to the fact that it ripens in August, when currants of other varieties are already harvested.

Variety characteristics:

  • large-fruited, but the yield is low (about 1 kg);
  • berries of dessert flavor with a sweet finish and a pronounced aroma;
  • the fruits do not tolerate transportation due to the thin peel and pulp of medium density.

Fruiting of the Lazybones currant occurs in late July-early August

I want to recommend another blackcurrant variety - Lazybones ... My bush was three years old, fully “sorted out” this year, in the past the berries were smaller and very few ... Late, with sweet large berries, I harvested today and was pleasantly surprised by the taste ... I recommend to all fans of blackcurrant in central Russia.



New blackcurrant varieties

Recently, the State Register of the Russian Federation has included several new varieties of blackcurrant:

  • Agatha,
  • Sadko
  • Iskitim gift
  • In memory of Kuminova.

Their main advantage is high immunity to diseases and pests. New varieties are well adapted to low temperatures and drought.

Varieties recently added to the State Register - photo gallery

What currants can be grown in the regions

When choosing a variety, it is important to consider the advice of specialists in the zoning of currants. After all, each region is characterized by its climatic conditions, temperature conditions, soil, the prevalence of diseases and pests.

Blackcurrant for cultivation in the suburbs

The state register of selection achievements for this region recommended more than thirty varieties of blackcurrant, among them:

  • Dobrynya,
  • Lazy person,
  • Selechenskaya-2,
  • Exotic
  • Green haze
  • Moscow,
  • Litvinovskaya.


Early ripening currants with high productivity and pleasant - with a sweet and sour note - the taste of berries. The variety is distinguished by a rather long (up to 10 cm) brush, convenient for harvesting.

Currants of the Moscow berries variety for universal use with a sweet-sour taste


Currant, medium early, not afraid of return frosts. Other positive features of the variety:

  • large-fruited;
  • sweet taste and refreshing aroma of fruits;
  • strong immunity to fungal diseases.

Berries of Litvinovskaya currant reach a weight of 4 g

Varieties suitable for the Northwest region

Proven varieties for growing in the Northwest region with its high humidity are:

  • Bagheera,
  • Selechenskaya-2,
  • Lazy person,
  • Green haze
  • The summer resident.

Among promising can be called a variety of Nina. This is an early ripening currant with large fruits and a high sugar content in berries. The variety is high yielding and self-fertile.

Blackcurrant for cultivation in Chernozemye

Recommended for this region are varieties of increased drought tolerance:

  • Black Pearl,
  • Selechenskaya-2,
  • Green haze.

Promising for regionalization may be Belarusian sweet.

Belorussian sweet

Bred by Belarusian breeders. This is a medium-ripening, productive variety. Its distinctive characteristics:

  • high self-fertility;
  • high content of pectin substances;
  • berries almost do not crumble.

Sweet Belarusian variety is quite resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose

For my taste, one of the sweetest is Belarusian Sweet. Her disadvantage is a wet separation of berries.



Currant varieties for Siberia

The climatic features of Siberia require the selection of specially zoned blackcurrant varieties, although they are suitable:

  • Vigorous,
  • Bagheera,
  • Pygmy,
  • Selechenskaya-2,
  • Black Pearl,
  • Dobrynya,
  • Green haze.

New varieties are specially adapted to the conditions of the region, such as:

  • Agatha,
  • Iskitim gift
  • In memory of Kuminova.

Of the black varieties Selechenskaya-2, our Siberian favorite. Resistant to gall aphids, early ripening, bushy sprawling bush, large and sweet berry.



Blackcurrant for growing in Belarus

For cultivation in Belarus, the following blackcurrant varieties are recommended:

  • Enchantress,
  • Belorussian sweet
  • Lazy person.

Promising varieties for cultivation in the republic include:

  • Belorusochka,
  • Memory of Vavilov,
  • Ceres.

All of them differ in frost resistance and sufficient productivity.

Cultivars in Ukraine

Here in recent years unfavorable conditions for currants have been noted. High spring temperatures lead to the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil. In summer, the weather is hot and dry. Varieties of currants for growing in Ukraine should be selected according to the degree of adaptation, primarily to drought and high temperature.

Varieties suitable for cultivation in all regions of Ukraine:

  • Pygmy,
  • Lazy person,
  • Vigorous.

Among the promising ones can be called the Anniversary Kopan and the Beauty of Lviv.

Anniversary Digging

A medium-ripening selection of the Institute of Horticulture of the NAAS with an annually high yield. Sweet and sour taste, large and one-dimensional berries, as well as resistance to changes in climatic conditions, diseases and pests make the variety especially popular among Ukrainian gardeners.

The fruits of the Yubileynaya Kopanya currant variety are large, one-dimensional, ripen together

I would call the Jubilee Kopanya an excellent grade on a 5-point scale. Among the late-ripening Ukrainian varieties on my site, only Krasa Lvova is better.



Beauty of Lviv

A variety of local selection, therefore, is well adapted to the climatic features of Ukraine. This is a large-fruited currant with a dessert flavor and a high yield that has strong immunity to major diseases and pests.

Currant berries of the Krasa Lviv variety grow shiny, black, medium in size, with strong elastic skin

To achieve the maximum effect in the cultivation of black currant, do not stop at one variety, experiment. Plant plants with different fruiting periods. This will extend the presence of fresh berries in your diet, understand your taste priorities and accurately determine the most promising variety for your site.


Watch the video: Black Pearls - Breeding new Blackcurrant varieties in NZ (October 2024).