Florist's lunar calendar for July 2019


If you think that working with flowers is relevant only in the spring, then you are very mistaken. July is a month no less eventful for any lover of indoor greenery. Owners of home greenhouses will not have to be bored: they are waiting for transplanting, feeding and trimming green wards, as well as the fight against diseases and pests. What and when it will be appropriate to do, will tell the lunar calendar of the flower grower for July 2019.

  • July 1, waning moon.

The beginning of the month is marked by pest control. Even if flowers have not become a haven for unpleasant neighbors, it is better to take care of the future and carry out preventive measures.

  • July 2, the new moon.

This day is better to devote to the care of indoor flowers. Loosening the soil in pots, spraying crowns and irrigating the soil will be the most appropriate manipulations. Plant transplantation is strictly prohibited.

  • July 3, the growing moon.

Auspicious day to transplant flowers. Rooting will occur painlessly for plants. Already in the shortest possible time they will grow.

  • July 4th, the growing moon.

It is better to spray flowers on this day in the early morning or in the late afternoon. The rays of the day are very hot and can burn leaves; it is better to avoid the sun.

  • July 5th, the growing moon.

All work is allowed except plant transplants.

  • July 6, the growing moon.

Any manipulations, with the exception of crown formation and irrigation, will have a beneficial effect on the life of indoor wards.

  • July 7, the growing moon.

A positive effect on this day will be only a flower transplant. For other matters, you should choose a different time.

  • July 8, the growing moon.

Rooted cuttings are well received on this day. They can be watered and fertilized. But for adult plants, it is better to do without watering and feeding.

  • July 9, the growing moon.

The most suitable time to plant plants on the street in the ground. Indoor flowers can be taken out to fresh air for hardening. The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight.

  • July 10, the growing moon.

The most appropriate action in relation to the flowers on this day is their transplantation. Larger pots will give new strength to already rooted plants.

  • July 11, the growing moon.

This day should be devoted to deciduous houseplants. Any manipulations associated with caring for them will be appropriate and fruitful.

  • July 12, the growing moon.

Good time to practice any colors of the home greenhouse. Transplantation, top dressing, spraying, crown formation - all these manipulations will have a beneficial effect on their growth and development.

  • July 13, the growing moon.

On this day, water procedures should be avoided. Watering and fertilizing plants will do more harm than good.

  • July 14, the growing moon.

Perhaps the most favorable day of the month for working with indoor flowers. You can do absolutely all care procedures.

  • July 15th, the growing moon.

Bulb plants are the only outsider on this day. All other residents of the greenhouse can be subjected to any manipulation.

  • July 16, the growing moon.

It's time to do everything at once. Flowers planted on this day will receive strong immunity to pests.

  • July 17, the full moon.

Day of easy work. The right time to loosen the soil and get rid of dry and diseased leaves.

  • July 18, waning moon.

Pest prevention and washing pallets are ideal jobs on this day. Postpone complex manipulations until next time.

  • July 19, waning moon.

Health Day for residents of the home greenhouse. It's time to get rid of the pests.

  • July 20, waning moon.

Water procedures will be the most appropriate activity. Timely watering, spraying and top dressing will contribute to the rooting of indoor flowers.

  • July 21, waning moon.

Watering day again. It is worth refraining from repeated water procedures if they were performed on July 20.

  • July 22, waning moon.

Favorable time for soil recharge. Replacing soil and using fertilizers will restore previously spent resources.

  • July 23, waning moon.

On this day, you can engage in any manipulations with the exception of transplanting plants.

  • July 24, waning moon.

It is still impossible to transplant plants, but you can prepare pots, soil and a place in the greenhouse or on the windowsill.

  • July 25, waning moon.

A great day to start a garden on the windowsill. Onions, garlic and herbs will be a good solution for planting on the kitchen window.

  • July 26, waning moon.

Day of bulbous and tuberous flowers. It is worth paying maximum attention to daffodils, synningia, hippeastrum and other handsome men of the family. Work with other plants on this day should be postponed.

  • July 27, waning moon.

This date should be devoted to curly flowers. You can prepare pots, soil, and props in advance, and do the main work the next day.

  • July 28, waning moon.

Continued work with curly flowers. It's time to transplant, fertilize and treat them from a tick.

  • July 29, waning moon.

Recharge day. It is necessary to fertilize the soil of all the inhabitants of the greenhouse.

  • July 30, waning moon.

Water procedures are the key to rapid growth. Watering and spraying will be the best ideas for the end of this month.

  • July 31, waning moon.

The flowers transplanted on the last day of the lunar cycle will easily take root and grow. This is especially true of tuber plants.

The night luminary has been helping gardeners for many years. Tips from the moon will help grow healthy and beautiful houseplants even for beginner growers. The lunar calendar in conjunction with intuition will help turn even the most seemingly weak flowers into an exquisite greenhouse.
