Grapes Friendship: description, planting, growing and grade reviews


Choosing grapes for their plot, beginning growers are primarily guided by varieties that give a stable large crop of delicious berries and are less susceptible to various diseases, which are also not very demanding in care. The Druzhba variety fully meets all these requirements.

The history of grapes Friendship

The creators of the universal grape variety Druzhba were the Bulgarian and Russian institutes of viticulture and winemaking from the cities of Pleven and Novocherkassk. The author's community included V. Vylchev, I. Ivanov, B. Muzychenko, A. Aliev, I. Kostrykin. The variety has been included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements since 2002.

Created a variety of grapes Friendship Bulgarian and Russian institutes of viticulture and winemaking

To obtain a new grape variety, the following initial forms were used:

  • The Kayshka’s miscette is a strong-growing wine grape with a delicate muscat flavor, has excellent resistance to frost and almost complete immunity to typical grape diseases - gray rot and mildew;
  • Dawn of the North - a fruitful technical grade of early ripening with good ripening of shoots, high resistance to low temperatures and mildew disease;
  • Hamburg muscat is a universal table grape, a medium-sized variety with a medium ripening period, but with an excellent nutmeg aroma of berries.

    Hamburg muscat - one of the varieties used in the selection of the Druzhba variety, has an excellent aroma

Variety Characteristics

This grape variety of early ripening can be characterized as universal and productive, with increased resistance to diseases.

Friendship is an early ripening variety

Friendship bush is medium-sized, flowers are bisexual, clusters of medium size, moderately dense. The shape of the brush is cylindrical, its lower part goes into a cone, sometimes there is a wing. Large round berries have a light amber color. The juice is transparent, with a harmonious taste and a pronounced aroma of muscat.

Grapes are used as a table and for the manufacture of high-quality sparkling and nutmeg wines.

Table: Friendship grades

Ripening period from the beginning of vegetation120-125 days
The sum of active temperatures from the beginning of the growing season to technological maturity2530 ºС
Cluster weightmedium size - from 220 g, large - 300-400 g
Average berry size22x23 mm
The average weight of the berry4-5 g
Sugar content194 g / dm3
The amount of acid in 1 liter of juice7.4 g
Yield per hectareup to 8 tons
Frost resistanceup to -23 ºС
Resistance to fungal diseases2.5-3 points
The number of fruitful shoots70-85%

Planting and growing

When deciding on the cultivation of Friendship grapes on your site, take care first of all of choosing the right place for planting. For this variety, heat and light play even a greater role than soil. The main requirement for it is the absence of stagnation of water, an excess of moisture. If there is such a threat, it is necessary to drain the place of grape planting well.

For the Druzhba variety, planting according to the general scheme is preferable: a pit is prepared in the fall, so that the soil is frozen over the winter and the number of pathogens and pests is reduced, and the planting is carried out in the spring.

Land as follows:

  1. In the pit 70 cm wide and deep, the middle rubble is laid with a layer of about 15 cm.
  2. The excavated soil is mixed with a bucket of humus, 1 liter of ash, 200 g of superphosphate and 150 g of potassium nitrate.
  3. Ready soil is laid in a hole, leaving a third of its depth free.
  4. In the spring, in the middle of the pit, a cone is poured over which the roots of the seedling are placed.
  5. Depending on the quality of the soil, up to two buckets of water are poured, the soil is poured and compacted.
  6. The ground near the stem of the plant is mulched.

    After planting, the earth around the seedling is mulched

Further care consists in timely pruning, watering and top dressing of grapes. Druzhba bushes are watered, focusing on soil moisture and weather conditions. At least 20 liters of water are consumed for each vine, after irrigation, the soil near the trunk must be loosened, and weeds are weeded out.

Topping grapes Friendship is performed at least three times per season:

  • in the spring before flowering, it is recommended to add chicken droppings and superphosphate;
  • for the second time in one and a half - two weeks it is advised to combine the application of Nitroammofoski with watering;
  • the third time, when fruiting begins, Nitroammofosku is also introduced.

    Nitroammofoskoy need to be fed after the beginning of fruiting

The first three years of pruning grapes Friendship is only sanitary in nature - dried or damaged shoots are removed from the bush. In the future, each year they do the shaping pruning so that no more than 35 eyes remain on the bush. Given this, 6-8 buds are left on the shoots.

To reduce the load on the branches for grapes Friendship is made trellis with a height of 2 m or more. As the vines grow, the branches are tied to the trellis.

Despite the high frost resistance of the Druzhba variety, grapes must be prepared for winter. Bushes planted in the spring spud, and adults, having removed from the trellis, cover partially or completely. Shelter of the vine is important to carry out on time. A prematurely sheltered vine can rot, or eyes begin to develop on it.

Despite the high frost resistance of the Druzhba variety, grapes are covered for the winter

It is considered timely to perform the pre-winter preparation of grapes on the eve of the first frost or immediately after it. It is important to freeze water the plant before freezing. This will protect the grape from freezing. Shelter of grapes is made of several layers of non-woven materials, straw mats, reeds, coniferous spruce branches. In winter, they cover snow for shelter.

Grapes Friendship is resistant to diseases, but preventive measures are carried out without fail. For a season, grapes for mildew are treated twice with special preparations, and from oidium and gray rot, the treatments are carried out in early spring and after harvesting. Weeding row-spacing and near-trunk soil, timely collection of fruits, removal of damaged shoots and berries contribute to the health of grapes.

Reviews about grapes Friendship

Friendship is a typical juice grade. For the table, the flesh is thin, but it has a wonderful muscat taste with excellent yield.

Evgeny Anatolevich


Hello! My Friendship is a table variety, because I have never got into juice, wine, or the market. All 100% is eaten by my family and is considered one of the best among those growing in our vineyard. The variety does not require any additional efforts and costs of care, yields stably. Low bow to the authors of Friendship!



This variety cannot be compared with any variety. Friendship is a gourmet grade of nutmeg. The bunch is small on the market, but the buyer should try at least one berry, our client, half sweet with nutmeg.



Promising in all respects, Friendship grapes are successfully grown by professional winegrowers and lovers in regions with different climates. Knowing the features of this variety, gardeners find ways to solve problems in specific growing conditions.


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