Black radish - grow one-two-three!


Black radish is a root crop that has long been familiar to Russian gardeners. But not everyone likes its characteristic taste and specific aroma. Therefore, recently the plant has been seriously replaced by new garden crops. Meanwhile, this is one of the most useful vegetables that can be grown on your own personal plot. The plant does not need any complicated care, even a gardener with minimal experience will be able to cope with the task and get a crop.

What does a black radish look like

Black radish belongs to the cruciferous family. This plant is a close "relative" of radish, rutabaga, turnip, cabbage and some other garden crops. Its homeland is Central Asia, but currently there are no “wild" varieties of radish. Only varieties and hybrids bred exclusively by breeding are grown. In Russia, culture has been known since the XII century.

Black radish is a long and well-known culture of mankind, it was grown in Ancient Egypt and Greece.

The plant forms a rosette of leaves 45-60 cm high. The edges of the leaf plate in several places are deeply dissected, the overall shape resembles a lyre. To the touch they are rude, "prickly". The leaf is painted bright green with a grayish or olive tint.

The leaves of the black radish are rough to the touch

Like all Cruciferous, this is a plant with a two-year development cycle. If you let the black radish bloom, next year it will form "pods" filled with seeds. Flowers of white or pale lilac hue are collected in racemose inflorescences.

If the radish has bloomed, you can not count on a plentiful harvest

What radish looks like is probably known to everyone. Her skin is thin, dull black or grayish, slightly rough to the touch. The pulp is very juicy and dense, snow-white. The average root diameter is 10-16 cm. The shape varies from almost spherical to elongated, cylindrical. They usually weigh about 350-600 g, although there are also specimens, “champions”, gaining a mass of 2.5-3 kg.

The flesh of black radish is very dense, juicy, snow-white

The taste of black radish is very characteristic, sharp-bitter. There is also a specific aroma, which not everyone likes. But it is easy to get rid of both of them by holding the vegetable in cold water for at least half an hour. By the way, the pulp will also become softer. Benefit does not suffer.

The health benefits of black radish are undeniable and scientifically proven. This is not to say that it is very rich in vitamins, but glycosides and lysozymes are present in the composition. The first group of substances destroys many pathogenic microbes, the second has a pronounced antibacterial and antifungal effect. Regular inclusion of the root in the diet normalizes the cardiovascular and nervous system. This is a very effective prevention of atherosclerosis.

It is also rich in amino acids, easily digestible carbohydrates (fructose, sucrose), essential oils. Of the trace elements, the presence of potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium, sodium, and phosphorus can be noted. Phytoncides give the characteristic bitterness of the pulp, the content of which black radish successfully competes with garlic and horseradish.

Pulp, and especially black radish juice mixed with honey, helps get rid of cough with colds, tonsillitis, bronchitis, whooping cough. The same tool has a positive effect on immunity, contributing to a quicker recovery after colds and viral infections. For prophylaxis, juice with honey can be included in the diet in spring, when the effects of winter vitamin deficiency are especially noticeable. A grated pulp will successfully replace mustard plasters.

Black radish juice mixed with honey is a very effective expectorant

Video: black radish with honey

The root vegetable is also useful for the digestive system. Fiber helps cleanse the intestines and tidy up its microflora. It also normalizes the water balance, removing excess fluid from the body. Black radish is simply irreplaceable in the presence of a tendency to edema. And sharp caustic juice can dissolve small stones in the kidneys and gall bladder. It is also known as a good choleretic.

Black radish is also used in cosmetology. Her juice, if added to rinse water, activates the supply of blood to the scalp, which, in turn, activates hair growth. It can also be rubbed into the nail holes to strengthen and align the plate. Alcohol tincture is used to combat acne, boils, acne, and other problems with the skin of the face.

Black radish juice is widely used not only in traditional medicine, but also in cosmetology

The pulp from the pulp is applied to bruises, bruises, inflammations, other injured places, if there is no damage to the skin. It not only relieves pain, but also contributes to their speedy healing. And if you prepare a decoction from it, you can also relieve toothache.

Video: health benefits of black radish

Root crops are widely used in cooking. Black radish is a part of many salads, appetizers. Especially popular vegetable in Asia. It is also added to soups, main dishes (usually meat), side dishes to give spice. You can turn a black radish even into a dessert if you cut it into thin slices and pour liquid honey.

The maximum benefit is the use of fresh black radish

Despite all the possible benefits, black radish should be excluded from the diet in the presence of any chronic digestive system disease, especially ulcers and gastritis. It is strictly forbidden to eat root crops during its exacerbation. Very carefully it is worth using a radish for those who have suffered a myocardial infarction or stroke, especially if this happened relatively recently. Rarely, but still individual intolerance occurs. It is better to try root vegetables in small portions if you know that you have a tendency to allergies.

Do not get too carried away with black radish in the presence of problems with tooth enamel and its increased sensitivity. Also, it is necessary to refrain from eating root vegetables throughout the entire period of pregnancy, so as not to provoke a miscarriage. But breastfeeding can be recommended in case of milk deficiency.

In no case should you eat black radish on an empty stomach. Otherwise, severe cramps occur, possibly bloating.

In addition to black, there is still green and white radish. The first is a breeding variety bred in the Uzbek city of Margilan. It is also known as the forehead. Her taste is much softer, not too sharp and without bitterness. The pulp is not so hard and dense, greenish. The peel is painted in all shades of the same color - from salad to bright emerald. Green radish is less caloric and contains more vitamin A. The only contraindication to its use is an allergic reaction.

There are practically no contraindications for the use of green radish

The birthplace of white radish is Japan. It is also known as daikon. It is characterized by a sweet-sharp taste of flesh. The skin is white or cream. Calorie content is very low, while daikon in comparison with black radish contains more vitamins.

White radish is completely devoid of the characteristic of black bitterness

Varieties popular among gardeners

There are not so many varieties of black radish. These are mainly late-ripening varieties intended for long-term storage. But there are varieties of early and medium ripening. Most often, Russian gardeners grow the following varieties:

  • Winter round black. An old well-deserved variety, developed back in the USSR, in the 50s of the twentieth century. The pronounced bitterness of taste is due to the high concentration of mustard essential oil. Root crops are also characterized by a high content of mineral salts. Harvest can be harvested 75-100 days after emergence, the variety belongs to the category of medium late. The approximate weight of the root crop is 250-500 g. The pulp is very dense. The minimum shelf life is six months. There is also a variety of winter long black radish. From the described, it does not differ practically in anything except the form of the root crop and more fibrous pulp.
  • Murzilka. Late grade. The growing season is 90-100 days. Root crops in the shape of an almost regular ball, not too large (9-10 cm in diameter and 225-300 g in weight). The skin is rough, with a grayish tint. The pulp is not too sharp. Radish of this variety is stored until spring.
  • Draft. Harvest ripens in 100-110 days, the variety is classified as late. The root crop is cone-shaped, weighs about 250 g. Individual specimens gain mass of 340-370 g. The variety is appreciated for the presentable appearance of the fruits, their smoothness, and good keeping quality. The flesh is quite tender, sweetish.
  • The night. A relatively recent achievement by breeders. A variety of medium ripening. Harvest can be harvested 68-75 days after emergence of seedlings. Root crops are small (180-220 g), but differ in excellent taste. The radish is round, slightly flattened. The skin is saturated black. The flesh is slightly sharp, crispy, very juicy. The variety is distinguished by keeping quality and transportability.
  • Black woman. Suitable for fresh consumption, as well as for long-term storage. Harvest ripens in 90-95 days. Root crops are widely oval or rounded. Weight varies from 140 g to 300 g. The taste is not bad, but nothing outstanding. The flesh is creamy white.
  • Black dragon. A selection novelty that entered the State Register of the Russian Federation only in 2015. The variety has a medium ripening period, the crop ripens in 58-65 days. The root crops are elongated (12-17 cm with a diameter of 4-5 cm), quite thin, sharpening downwards. Taste is outstanding. The average weight of the radish is 325 g. The pulp is dense, but very juicy.
  • Healer. Mid-season grade. Root crops ripen in 75-80 days. The radish is almost round, weighs about 260 g. The taste is wonderful. Productivity is very good - 4.2-4.5 kg / m². It can be stored all winter.
  • The Queen of Spades. Harvest ripens in 60-70 days after emergence of seedlings. The root crops are elongated, in the form of a cylinder. The average weight of the radish is 300-500 g. The flesh is slightly sharp. Productivity is high - 4-6 kg / m². The variety is resistant to shooting, even against the background of "relatives" stands out for its low maintenance.
  • Grayvoronskaya. Another time-tested variety included in the State Register in the 60s of the last century. The fruits are elongated, the average weight is about 300 g. The variety is appreciated for its unpretentiousness, without much damage it suffers a drop in temperature and its sharp drops. This radish is very suitable for long-term storage.
  • Cylinder. The variety is not distinguished by its keeping quality; even the State Register is recommended for fresh consumption. Harvest ripens in 62-73 days. The root crops are elongated, with a pointed tip. The skin is smooth, saturated black. The average weight of the fruit is 170-210 g. The taste is not bad, but not outstanding. Productivity is also average - 1.7-3.6 kg / m². The fruits practically do not crack.
  • Black Sea. One of the earliest varieties. Harvest ripens in 65-70 days. The root crop is medium-sized (200-250 g), almost round. Individual specimens reach a weight of 500 g or more. The taste of pulp is sharp, piquant. The average yield is 3.8-4.3 kg / m².

Photo gallery: black radish varieties popular among gardeners

Disembarkation procedure and necessary preparatory procedures

Black radish is extremely unpretentious. This also applies to growing conditions. But in order to get a plentiful harvest, it is recommended to listen nevertheless to the "requirements" of the culture. After all, she puts forward not so many of them.

The plant is frost-resistant, so it is great for cultivation in most of Russia, excluding regions with an Arctic climate. Seeds germinate already at a temperature of 3-5ºС. Plants (even young seedlings) are not afraid of a cold snap to -6 ° C. However, low temperatures can trigger shooting. Adult specimens feel best at 15-18ºС.

Obtaining a plentiful harvest of black radish is possible only if the plants have enough sunlight

But at the same time, you need to correctly choose the time for landing. Any kind of radish is a short-day plant. If she receives more light than necessary, she will most likely go into the arrow. A plant is enough 10-12 hours a day.

To avoid this, where the climate allows, the seeds are planted in the garden in the first decade of April or even at the end of March, harvesting closer to mid-summer. But in most regions of Russia this is impossible purely technically. The soil just does not have time to thaw. In the Urals, the Far East, in Siberia, radish is planted when the day is already on the wane, that is, after the summer solstice (the deadline is July 15). The people recommend planting a radish a week after the church holiday of the Trinity. Root crops ripen by the end of September or in October. Practice shows that such a radish is slightly sharper than that harvested in the summer.

Growing seedlings of black radish is impractical. In addition, the culture does not tolerate picking and transplanting quite well. Therefore, in most cases, the seeds are sown directly in open ground. The bed needs to be prepared in the fall.

The selected area is dug to a depth of about one bayonet shovel. It is advisable that the place is sunny. Black radish successfully survives in partial shade, but a deficiency of light leads to fading and deformation of root crops. Plants are not afraid of winds and drafts.

Good aeration is one of the few requirements for black radish to the quality of the soil, so the soil must be carefully dug up

The best option for culture is a loose, but sufficiently nutritious substrate, which allows water and air to pass through well. This, for example, sierozem and loam. But black radish puts up with soil of almost any quality, excluding acidified and saline. And if the first can still be corrected by adding slaked lime, dolomite flour, crushed to a state of chalk powder or shell of raw eggs, then in the second case you have to look for a new place. Similarly, it is advisable to do if the groundwater comes too close to the surface. Although in this case, it can save the construction of high (at least 40-45 cm) ridges.

Dolomite flour - a natural deoxidizer of the soil, according to the recommended dosage, it has no side effects

If before that any vegetable crop was grown in the garden, the soil can not be fertilized. Otherwise, you will need humus (2-3 kg / m²), simple superphosphate (10-12 g / m²) and potassium sulfate (6-8 g / m²). From natural top dressing, sifted wood ash can be used (glass per 1 m²). Fertilizers are applied not simultaneously with the deoxidant, but after waiting 2-2.5 weeks after bringing the acid-base balance to neutral. Fresh manure is categorically not suitable for culture.If you put it in the garden, it will negatively affect the taste of root crops, they can crack. It is also a good breeding ground for pathogens of many diseases and larvae of harmful insects.

Humus - a natural remedy to increase soil fertility

Many varieties of radish form quite large root crops, so each of them must be provided with the necessary area for nutrition. If they are round or close to that, the holes on the bed are made with an interval of 20-25 cm, maintaining a row spacing of at least 40 cm. When planting seeds of cylindrical root crops, the distance between them can be reduced by 4-5 cm. To save space on the bed, black radish is planted in a checkerboard pattern. Excessive "crowding" provokes shooting.

The interval between plants should be sufficient so that each root crop is provided with the necessary area for nutrition

Good predecessors for black radish are almost any vegetables and root crops except for its "relatives" from the families Cruciferous, horseradish, leaf and ordinary beets, carrots. If crop rotation is not observed, the risk of developing diseases and pest attacks is significantly increased. If there is not enough space on the plot, you can "add" culture to tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, garlic, potatoes.

Radish is a bad predecessor for black radish, like other Cruciferous

Seeds must undergo preplant planting. This is necessary to improve germination and disinfection. When buying, pay attention to the expiration date. Seeds older than six years old are not suitable for planting. Only a few of them will sprout.

Seeds of black radish remain viable for six years

First of all, they need to be soaked in a solution of sodium chloride (8-10 g / l) for about 15-20 minutes. Floating to the surface, you can immediately throw it away - this is an empty shell in which there is no germ. The remaining ones are dried and sieved through a fine sieve, selecting the largest specimens.

Soaking in saline helps immediately discard "substandard" seeds

Such seeds are wrapped in tissue moistened with ordinary warm water or a biostimulant solution. As it dries, it is regularly moistened again. From store-bought preparations you can use Epin, potassium humate, Zircon. No worse and folk remedies - aloe juice, succinic acid, honey syrup. Seeds are kept warm until they hatch.

The final stage is disinfection. They are soaked for a day in water with the addition of several crystals of potassium permanganate (to a pale pink hue). You can reduce the processing time to 15-20 minutes if you use any fungicide of biological origin (Alirin-B, Tiovit-Jet, Bayleton, Baikal-EM).

Potassium permanganate solution - one of the most common disinfectants

Black radish is planted in the ground, choosing a dry dry day. The seeds are quite large, so there should not be a problem with this. The soil before and after planting black radish is moderately moistened. They are buried in the ground by a maximum of 2-3 cm. From above, the holes are sprinkled with a thin layer of fertile soil or humus mixed with sand. Some gardeners recommend mulching the entire garden, but this is not necessary. Then the soil is slightly compacted and the bed is closed with a plastic film. Seedlings from germinated seeds appear after 3-4 days, otherwise you will have to wait a week or a little more.

Black radish seeds sprout quite quickly and massively

Experienced gardeners are advised to plant 2-3 seeds in each well. This will help in the future to avoid "bald spots" in the garden, if not all of them come up. When the plants form two true leaves that are lagging behind in development, deformed, weak seedlings are cut or pinched with fingers as close as possible to the soil level. It is undesirable to pull them out so as not to damage the root system of the selected instance.

Video: planting black radish seeds in the ground

Tips for growing black radish

Growing black radish will not require a supernatural effort from a gardener. In fact, crop care comes down to weeding the beds, periodically loosening the soil and applying fertilizers several times during the season. The main component of agricultural technology is proper watering.

Mulching the soil helps save time on weeding. Therefore, it is advisable to fill the garden bed with a layer of humus, peat crumb, and freshly cut grass 2-4 cm thick. And mulch retains moisture in the soil, allowing you to increase the intervals between watering. This is especially true for those gardeners who do not have the opportunity to permanently reside in a personal plot.

The root crops of black radish, in contrast to white and green, do not “bulge” from the soil as they grow, respectively, plants do not need to be earthed

The growing season for black radish is quite long, but it only needs two or three top dressings per season. It is advisable to use mineral fertilizers - from organic matter, especially if it is applied more than necessary, many fibrous roots are formed instead of one core, respectively, and the fruits are deformed.

The culture is suitable for any complex fertilizers for root crops. There is no special top dressing for radish, so you can choose from fertilizers for vegetables. The most common of them are Aelita, Kemira-Lux, Novofert, Master. The first time nutrients are added in the phase of formation of the fourth true leaf, then after 20-25 days.

Any universal fertilizer for root crops is suitable for black radish

The last top dressing must necessarily contain potassium. It depends on him how tasty and juicy root crops will be. Any remedy other than potassium chloride is suitable - this trace mineral is not very fond of. And you can also use ordinary wood ash in dry form or as an infusion. Fertilizing is carried out approximately three weeks before the expected maturation of root crops.

Wood ash - a natural source of potassium and phosphorus

It is enough to pour the most early ripening varieties with a nutrient solution twice - after the second true leaf is formed and after another 8-10 days. In both cases, the fertilizer must contain nitrogen.

Any radish is a moisture-loving plant. With a water shortage, root crops become smaller, the skin becomes coarser, the flesh becomes “wood”, it loses in juiciness, is very bitter, and voids appear in it. But you can not fill it. This provokes the development of root rot. Heavy irrigation after periods of prolonged "drought" is still not recommended. Otherwise, root crops are likely to crack.

Watering is very important for the normal development of black radish, this applies to both young seedlings and adult specimens

Varieties of early and medium ripening are watered every 6-8 days. Of course, this also depends on the weather outside. In the heat, the intervals between procedures are reduced to 2-3 days, and if it rains constantly, the radish can do with natural precipitation. For late-ripening species, two months after emergence, the intervals between irrigation are increased to 2-3 weeks. It is necessary that the root crops become juicier, and the flesh - dense, not watery.

The best time for the procedure is the evening after sunset or early morning. If you have the technical ability, it is advisable to organize drip irrigation - this allows you to wet the soil evenly. The rate of water consumption is 10-15 l / m². You can also water the radish from a watering can, hose.

About an hour after watering, when the moisture is already absorbed, it is advisable to loosen the garden bed. This destroys the hard crust on the soil surface and contributes to better aeration of root crops.

Experienced gardeners recommend slightly loosening the root crop during the cultivation of radishes once a week. This helps to get rid of lateral roots. As practice shows, a vegetable that eats only through the root root is larger and juicier, it has a more regular shape.

Video: growing black radish

Culture-typical diseases and pests

Black radish by nature has good immunity. Therefore, it rarely suffers from fungal diseases. The exception is thickened plantings or plants that are watered too often and / or abundantly. The most dangerous diseases for culture:

  • Powdery Mildew A layer of whitish plaque on the leaves, resembling sprinkled flour. Gradually, it “thickens” and changes color to dark brown. The affected tissue dries and dies.
  • Kila. Ugly growths on the roots of the plant. The aboveground part dries up.
  • Root rot. "Wet" black-brown spots at the base of the root crop and on leaf petioles. Affected tissues soften, become slimy to the touch, an unpleasant putrefactive odor comes from them. Perhaps the appearance of a layer of mold on the root crop.

Photo gallery: symptoms typical of black radish diseases

Of the above diseases, only powdery mildew can be detected at an early stage. Symptoms of the remaining two on the aerial parts of the plant appear only when their development has already gone quite far. And the keel does not respond to treatment with modern means.

Therefore, special attention should be paid to prevention. Competent agricultural technology is very important. In addition, it is useful to dust the plants and soil in the bed with crushed wood ash, and add several crystals of potassium permanganate to the water for irrigation periodically. The plants themselves can be sprayed with a solution of colloidal sulfur or soda ash, diluted with water kefir with the addition of iodine. To combat powdery mildew use copper-containing preparations - fungicides. It is advisable to give preference to means of biological origin. But there are also "old deserved" drugs, the effectiveness of which has been tested by more than one generation of gardeners. This, for example, Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate, copper oxychloride.

Do not leave infected specimens in the garden. This is the source of the spread of the pathogenic fungus. They need to be pulled out and burned as soon as possible. It is advisable to shed the soil in this place with a bright raspberry potassium permanganate solution or 5% copper sulfate for disinfection.

Most pests bypass the black radish. They simply do not like leaves and root vegetables, characterized by a high concentration of essential oils. But there are those whom this does not stop.

  • Cruciferous flea. The main and most dangerous crop pest. The peak of its activity occurs just at the time of emergence of black radish shoots. Young seedlings of small black bugs, glistening in the sun, are able to completely destroy, the leaves of adult plants turn into something very similar to a sieve. For prevention, the soil in the garden, as soon as the first seedlings appear, is sprinkled with a mixture of ash with crushed dry tobacco leaves and ground pepper. The plants themselves are powdered with crushed chalk.
  • Larvae of a carrot fly. Females lay eggs in the soil. Hatching larvae eat greenery and damage the skin of root crops. To protect against adults, a sticky tape for catching flies or pieces of cardboard, plywood, coated with long-drying glue, honey, petroleum jelly, are hung next to the bed. The soil in the garden is periodically watered with infusion of onion or garlic shooters. Having found the larvae, the radish is sprayed with soap suds diluted with water with soda ash or mustard powder. If there is no effect from folk remedies, apply Confidor-Maxi, Admiral, Tanrek.
  • Slug. Shellfishes deprived of shells eat out large holes in leaves and root crops. Young seedlings can be destroyed entirely. A layer of sticky shiny coating remains on the surface. For prevention, spicy herbs, flowers with a pungent odor are planted along the perimeter of the bed or in the aisles. They can also be used as raw materials for the preparation of infusions, which periodically spray both the plants themselves and the soil in the garden. Ash, sand, and nut or egg shells crushed to a powder state are sprinkled to the base of the stem. The slugs are lured using traps - tanks dug into the soil, filled with beer, kvass, fermented jam, chopped cabbage leaves. Manual collection is also practiced. Chemicals (Meta, Thunderstorm, Sludge) are used only in case of their mass invasion. However, this happens extremely rarely.

Photo gallery: what pests dangerous for black radish look like

Harvesting and storage

Varieties of black radish of early and medium ripening, planted in the spring, usually harvested in mid-summer. It is undesirable to hesitate with this - the overripe root crop becomes sluggish and flabby. As a rule, these varieties cannot boast of their shelf life, therefore they are stored in the refrigerator, in a plastic bag with openings for ventilation. The root vegetables retain their freshness and freshness for 18–25 days. At room temperature - a maximum of a week.

Late radish must be harvested in dry weather. The procedure must be completed before the first frost. Harvest usually takes place in October. Fruits exposed to freezing temperatures quickly rot.

Harvest of black radish must be managed to remove before the first frost

Then they are left in the garden for several hours so that the earth adhering to the root crops dries up. After that, the vegetables are cleaned of soil and carefully inspected. For long-term storage, only those that do not have the slightest damage to the skin - mechanical or traces of damage by diseases, pests, are suitable.

After drying, black radish root crops are much easier to clean from dirt.

At the selected root crops, tops and small roots are cut and laid out on wooden boxes or cardboard boxes. The presence of ventilation holes is mandatory. So that the fruits do not come into contact with each other, they are sprinkled with wet sand, peat chips, shavings, sawdust, finely tattered newsprint.

Before laying for storage in root crops of black radish, it is necessary to cut the tops

Store black radish in the basement, cellar, other dark room with good ventilation. The temperature is maintained at a level of 2-3ºС. In warm root crops sprout quickly. High humidity is also required - 80% or more. In this form, root crops will lie at least until the end of January. In some varieties, the shelf life is even longer - the radish does not deteriorate until spring.

Black radish is an extremely unpretentious and very healthy root crop. Grow it on a personal plot for the strength even novice gardeners. She does not have any special requirements for cultivation conditions, but in order to collect a plentiful crop, it is advisable to nevertheless listen to her few "wishes".


Watch the video: How to grow radish multisow or direct for fast harvests spring and autumn (October 2024).