Zamioculcas black Black raven


Black Zamioculcas is known as the dollar tree, "feminine happiness," "celibacy flower." Initially, it was grown in Dutch nurseries, now this evergreen adorns apartments, offices, shopping centers, schools.

Black Zamioculcas: description, occurrence

Zamioculcas Black Raven hails from the arid regions of Madagascar. About 20 cultivated plant varieties are known. The most unusual of them is Raven.

The plant can reach 1.5 meters in height. The main difference between the variety is black-purple leaves. They have a rounded-pointed shape and are located symmetrically along the length of the stem. The nickname "Raven" - "raven" Zamioculcas black received for the similarity of the stem with a spread feather of a bird.

Zamioculcas Zenzy

Breeders brought out a miniature view of a bush with black leaves - zenioculcas Zenzy, the description of which says that it is distinguished by short internodes and a thickened trunk.

Black Raven Home Care Tips

Rose Black Prince - grade description

Caring for a plant is easy. Zamioculcas Raven black is used to survive among stones and sand, and is able to adapt to harsh conditions.

On a note! All varieties of Zamioculcas are poisonous. Juice causes a burning sensation, allergies and indigestion. Children and animals should not have access to a flower pot.


The plant is comfortable in the shade, direct sunlight leaves burns on the leaves. A suitable place is the northern windowsill.

Temperature mode

Zamioculcas actively develops at room temperature. All he needs is the absence of drafts and a temperature of at least 16 degrees Celsius.

Watering and humidity

The flower does not tolerate excessive moisture. It withstands the lack of moisture, but do not overdry the soil. Lack of water leads to the consumption of internal fluid reserves, and as a result, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Watering the plant is necessary as the topsoil dries

After watering, remove excess water from the sump. Due to fluid stagnation, the roots of the plant begin to rot. In winter, it is enough to water the flower 2 times a month.

It is not necessary to spray a dollar tree, since central heating creates conditions close to the African deserts.

Advice! It is advisable to regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, this will preserve the luster and attractiveness of the flower.

The soil

The plant prefers light, loose soil, this consistency allows air to freely penetrate to the roots. The soil mixture should contain coarse river sand, expanded clay, charcoal and a small amount of turf land.

On a note! When choosing a finished soil, preference should be given to mixtures marked "for succulents".

Top dressing

It is not necessary to feed Zamioculcas Raven, because the plant is able to survive even with a minimum amount of nutrients in the soil. But if there is a desire to grow a flower of the sizes that it reaches in the natural environment, fertilizer is necessary.

For active growth, the plant requires nitrogen and phosphorus. The first component affects the length of the shoots, the size and color of the leaves, the second - stimulates the growth of roots.

Fertilizers are applied from the beginning of March to the end of October with an interval of 2 weeks.


Dollar tree or Zamioculcas - celibacy flower

To form the crown, the plant is cut. The procedure is best done in the spring and summer. With a small sharp tool, damaged, dry stems, yellowed leaves, shoots with a large number of leaves are removed.

You can not cut the shoots close to the rhizome, it is better to leave a small stump. Sections must be treated with an antimicrobial agent; the best option is activated carbon powder.

Regular pruning is also necessary so that the flower does not waste nutrients on unnecessary or damaged leaves.


Echeveria - species: agave, Pulidonis, Black Prince, Purpusorum, Lilacina

It is better to transplant a dollar tree in the spring. But if the flower was bought in a different season, it is better to backtrack from the rule. The storefront transportation primer does not contain substances that are necessary for the healthy development of the plant.

On a note! You can not transplant the newly acquired Zamioculcas Raven. For 2 weeks, the plant should be placed in a room where there are no other flowers.

For the Black Raven, low, wide pots with many drainage holes are suitable. The diameter of the container should be no more than 5 cm wider than the root system of the plant.

Procedure for transplanting a plant:

  1. Pour drainage and a small amount of soil into a new pot.
  2. The flower is carefully removed from the old container (the plastic pot can be cut) and moved to a new one.
  3. The nutrient mixture is poured into an empty space and slightly compacted.
  4. Part of the rhizome is left above the surface of the soil.

For sick specimens, this method is not suitable. You have to completely clean the roots from the soil, rinse and cut off the damaged areas. It is also worth doing in the separation of large plants.

Zamioculcas has very sensitive roots.

Due to the increased sensitivity of the roots of the flower, its transplantation is carried out by transshipment with the preservation of an earthen coma. After this, it is better to put the plant in a shaded warm room, and after rooting, transfer it to a permanent place.

Flowering and dormant period

Many flower growers are unaware that Zamioculcas Black can bloom. This happens once every few years, but only when creating ideal conditions. The flower stalk grows from a tuber, its height can be from 3 to 20 cm.

The inflorescence is a large cob surrounded by a petal blanket

Reasons that prevent flowering:

  • non-compliance with temperature conditions, excessive watering or lack / excess of light;
  • lack of minerals;
  • improperly sized pot;
  • diseases, insect attacks.

The rest period begins from the beginning of October. From this time, you should stop feeding, reduce watering and move the pot with the plant to a cooler place.

Dollar tree propagation

You can grow a tree from any part of the plant, but you will have to be patient, as the process of germination is very slow.

On a note! The first leaves appear after the development of the root system, that is, after 1-1.5 years.

A flower can propagate in the following ways:

  • Rooting leaf. Large well-developed leaf plates are cut with a knife, left for 2 hours. Then the slice is treated with Kornevin and deepened into the ground by a third.
  • Propagation by a branch. A healthy branch is cut off, treated with a root stimulant and put into water with potassium permanganate. As soon as the sprouts appear, the branch is transplanted into the ground.
  • Tuber division. To successfully divide the plant, you must carefully remove it from the pot, clean the roots from the soil. Then you should find parts with a separate tuber. Separate the roots carefully, it is advisable to cut the slices with activated carbon.

Tuber formation takes 2 to 6 months


Diseases and Pests

Problems that the grower may encounter when growing the Black Raven, and how to solve them:

Slow growth
  • a small pot;

  • lack of nutrients.
  • transfer;

  • fertilizer application.
Stains on the leaves
  • violation of the temperature regime;

  • excess moisture;

  • sunburn;

  • attack of scale insects.
  • temperature increase, exclusion of drafts;

  • reduced watering;

  • moving to a darker place;

  • fungicide treatment.
Stains on the stems
  • cold;

  • stagnation of water.
Normalization of external conditions. It is advisable to transplant the plant, pre-treating all areas with a fungicidal solution.

The most dangerous enemies of the dollar tree are the spider mite, scutellum, aphid and mealybug.

Signs of a pest attack:

  • the presence of thin cobwebs;
  • the appearance of dark spots of different sizes;
  • blanching and curling of leaves (black midges are clearly visible on the plates);
  • a white coating, which eventually turns brown.

If insects are found, it is necessary to treat the flower with a mild soap solution. If the method fails, insecticides will come to the rescue.

Some people believe in the magical properties of zamioculcas. Some are sure that the plant brings feminine happiness, others consider it to be a husband. Believe it or not - everyone chooses for himself. In any case, the black dollar tree is a worthy decoration of the house.
