What dahlias look like - varieties and types of plants


Among the varieties of dahlias there are lush giants and modest miniature plants resembling chamomiles. The dahlia inflorescence consists of many large reed and small tubular flowers of various colors. Often they are mistakenly called petals. A straight hollow stem of a plant can be from 25 cm to two meters high. The leaves are dense, dark green (sometimes with a purple tint), pinnately separate. There are several thousand varieties that differ in color and shape of inflorescences.

Description of groups

There are two large groups of flowers - flower beds and border. They are used as decorative flowering garden plants and as cut flowers. Depending on how the dahlias look, they can be planted in flower arrangements or focus on a single plant. Compact bushes are placed in containers on terraces or along garden paths.

Variety of dahlias

On a note! In the literature there are two versions of the name of the flower: masculine and feminine. In the first case, this is a common word, and in the second, a term for specialists.

To flower beds include tall varieties. This is the most numerous and effective group. A striking representative of it is the Barbarossa dahlia with huge red flowers 25 cm in diameter and a bush height of 2 meters. Not so tall (120 cm), but catchy - Yellow Star bush dahlia with bright fringed inflorescences.

Dahlia Barbarossa

Border dahlias are low flowers that form a compact bush. They do not need to be tied up and pinched. The diameter of the inflorescences is 10-20 cm. Depending on the size, undersized dahlias are divided into groups:

  • Dwarf potted. These are mini dahlias up to 30 cm high. Such flowers are grown in pots.
  • Dwarf border. They differ in bushes 30-40 cm in size. They are planted in mixborders in the foreground.
  • Actually curbs. These are plants from 40 to 60 cm high with a neat dense bush and a long flowering period.

For growing in containers, a varietal series of Figaro dahlia is suitable. This is a dwarf variety of annual dahlias with long flowering. The compact size allows the use of these specimens on balconies and miniature flower gardens.

Depending on the desired color, you can choose varieties of various colors. Figaro Yellow dahlias give warmth and sunshine to the surrounding area. Their color varies from lemon to light yellow. Variety Figaro Violet pleases with dark purple flowers.

Dahlia Figaro

The perennial dwarf dahlia is the Gallery series with a wide palette of shades. The names of the varieties in this series are associated with painting. The highest sprout of miniatures does not exceed 35 cm. The flowers are large, slightly curled, densely doubled. Flowering continues until winter. Impressive sort of Gallery La Tour. The color of lush terry inflorescences consists of many shades: from white to light lilac, with overflows of lavender and delicate amethyst.

Gallery La Tour

Bright Alstergruss dahlia contrasts spectacularly with larger plants in flower arrangements. Inflorescences are orange-red, flowering is long.

Dora is a curb variety 55 cm high with an interesting color. Reed flowers are yellow in the middle and pink at the edges. Shades smoothly transition into each other, creating an expressive gradient.

Additional Information! Fast-growing, spectacular and unpretentious dahlias are most often used in flower beds of a regular style. They organically look in single plantings against the background of ground cover plants or grassy lawns, and in flower beds they are successfully combined with moisture-loving crops (nyvyanik, buzulnik).

Rare varieties of dahlias include specimens with dark foliage. With such a frame, inflorescences of any color look spectacular. Decorative scarlet flowers of the Ellen Houston variety against the background of maroon, almost black dahlia leaves look like beckoning lights. Warm orange shades of inflorescences combined with bronze foliage of David Howard cultivate any floral arrangement.

Variety David Howard

Classification of Cultural Dahlias

Flower Description - Houseplant Types and Varieties

In accordance with the international classification, dahlias are divided according to the shapes and types of inflorescences. There are simple, anemone, cactus and semi-cactus, spherical and pompom, collar and decorative varieties.


In non-double dahlias, reed flowers are arranged in one row along the perimeter of the inflorescence. They look really simple, but due to their unpretentiousness they are often found in gardens and flower beds. Widespread variety of undersized dahlias Cheerful guys. Non-double flat flowers of various shades delight the eye and enhance mood. The variety is reliable and time-tested, easily propagated by seeds.

Funny boys


Inflorescences of anemone dahlias are very beautiful: large oval flowers (1-3 rows) go along the edge, and the center is densely dotted with tubular ones. Central flowers form a lush hemisphere. The diameter of the inflorescence is 10-20 cm.

Grade Boogie Woogie

A good "dancing" series from this category:

  • The Boogie Woogie variety blooms from June until frost. The outer saturated pink edge of the flower contrasts beautifully with the bright yellow center.
  • Mambo is similar to terry anemones of a lilac shade. The central flowers have a carved edge and a golden edging.
  • Delicate Lambada combines a creamy middle and a light pink edge. The blossoming inflorescence reaches a diameter of 15 cm.


The basis of this group of varieties is reed-shaped flowers. They are twisted down along the entire length, forming a needle-like lush inflorescence. Among the cactus dahlias there are colorful and plain plants of different heights.

The contrast grade Friquolet is used to create accents in group plantings. Red flowers with white tips are folded into tubules and form a terry needle-shaped inflorescence.

Fricole (Friquolet)


Dahlias of this group differ from cacti in that their flowers are twisted only at the tip, and not along the entire length. Such plants are a transitional form from ornamental to cactus, so they are characterized by signs of both groups. The diameter of inflorescences in varieties of this class reaches 30 cm.

The tall variety of white semi-cactus dahlias Ice Princesses attracts with its radiant purity of delicate petals.

Ice Princesses

Interesting! In dahlias' homeland, in South America, tubers were not valued for their flowers. The Indians used them as food and used as a medicinal plant.


In plants belonging to spherical varieties, reed flowers are half twisted into funnel-shaped tubes. Terry inflorescence is formed in the form of a ball.

Adorable Marble Ball marble flowers. Variegated inflorescences with plum strokes on a white background are underlined by dark green foliage. The variety is good both for cutting and for landscape design.

Marble Ball


Pompom Dahlia differs from spherical in smaller flowers, rolled up into a tube along the entire length. Inflorescences 5-6 cm in diameter, terry, hemispherical. Planting nearby plants of different colors, gardeners create a bright, fun mix of pompom varieties.

The magical look of the pink dahlias Wizard of Oz matches their name (The Wizard of Oz). The delicate mother-of-pearl color makes this variety indispensable when composing bouquets for young admirers of fairy tales.

Wizard of oz

Collar collar

In the inflorescence of the collar dahlias, in addition to one row of long reed flowers, another one is located, with smaller flowers, which are often differently colored. All of them border the center, consisting of tubular flowers.

Attracting attention is the Fashion Monger dahlia variety, whose yellow collar is framed by large purple flowers with white tips. Florists are happy to use these flowers in the preparation of colorful and mischievous bouquets.

Fashion Monger


Magnificent terry inflorescences of decorative varieties consist of wide reed flowers, flat or slightly wavy. They are oval or slightly pointed. Inflorescences look lush due to the slightly bent down extreme petals.

Types of flowers of this group by the size of inflorescences:

  • decorative small ones with a diameter of less than 12 cm;
  • decorative medium 12-15cm;
  • gigantic decorative, inflorescences of which exceed 15 cm in diameter.

Variety Fuzzy Wuzzy conquers at a glance. It is good for everyone: with jagged tips of flowers, and rich raspberry color, and white border.

Fuzzy wuzzy

Important! The classification is not sustainable. Over time, new varieties and, accordingly, classes appear.

Dahlias are often associated with childhood, in the fall, at the beginning of the school year. These gorgeous flowers solo in festive bouquets. Florists appreciate them for their beauty, unpretentiousness and variety.


Watch the video: Dahlia Varieties - Flower Types (September 2024).