Asparagus - types and care at home


The birthplace of asparagus are Europe, Africa, Asia. In appearance, this plant is very similar to fern, although until recently it belonged to the Liliaceae family. To date, he was ranked as an Asparagus family, more than 300 varieties of asparagus known to science are called asparagus.

What does asparagus look like

A very interesting kind of flower makes many gardeners admire him. For some, it looks like a coniferous plant, others - like a fern. Neither one nor the other has anything to do with botanical descriptions and chemical composition.

Asparagus room

Asparagus has a powerful horizontal root system, with many vertical branches. Wild representatives of the species are found in meadows, in forest and steppe zones. They prefer rich saline soil.

The chemical composition of the plant includes carbohydrates, essential oils, proteins, carotene, mineral salts, amino acids, etc. The first types of asparagus appeared more than 2 millennia ago. Asparagus came to Russia in the middle of the 17th century.

The plant can reach 1.5 m in height. The stems are shiny, smooth straight. Branches go upwards from the stems. The leaves of the asparagus are thin, straight, scaly. The length of the leaf, which has a second name - cladody, can reach 3 cm. They are slightly pressed against the stem, along the branch are arranged in bundles of 3-6 leaves in each.

Flowers can be located both on the stem and on the branches of the plant. They resemble bells, milky in color, with elongated petals. Male flowers are larger than female flowers, their size is about 5 mm. Inflorescences appear in late spring or early summer.


Garden and wild asparagus - how the edible asparagus hibernates

Asparagus is common on almost all continents. Cut branches of this flower are used in various floral decorations, decorate them with bouquets, wreaths, etc. Due to the fact that varieties of asparagus are divided not only into perennial grass, but also into vines, shrubs, shrubs, they are used both in horizontal landscape design and in vertical.

Asparagus species grown in Russia:

  • Plumezus;
  • Crescent;
  • Falcous;
  • Dense flowering Sprenger;
  • Setaceus;
  • Umbelatus
  • Meyer;
  • Outdoor long-term frost-resistant.

Asparagus Plumezus

Asparagus Plumezus, it is also pinnate, has the form of a shrub. It features curly shoots. The stems are bare, smooth. Phyllocladia grow in bunches from 3 to 12 pcs. in each. In appearance, it is similar to a fern. It blooms with single flowers of a milky hue. The fruit is distinguished by a dark blue color, the dyed thing with the fruit juice is very difficult to wash. They have a spherical shape. Their diameter is about 6 mm. The fruit contains 3 seeds inside.

Asparagus Plumezus

Care for cirrus asparagus implies compliance with high humidity. A lack of moisture can lead to a lack of flowering and yellowing of cladodes. The content of the plant under the scorching sun provokes a burn, the stem with leaves acquires a pale green hue. Prefers hard water with a high calcium content. With a lack of the latter, the leaves begin to turn yellow and crumble.

Crescent Asparagus

An unpretentious plant that prefers rich soil and frequent watering. Reproduction is possible in two ways:

  1. Dividing the bush;
  2. The seeds.

A widespread view among home indoor flowers in Russia. It belongs to the semi-artisan type, some gardeners consider it a liana. India is considered his homeland. The flower develops very quickly. The leaves are elongated, with slightly pointed ends.

Asparagus Falcous

The main stems become stiff and covered with rare thorns, with the help of which the plant clings to the ledges in the mountains and grows vertically. The plant blooms in mid-summer. Inflorescences in diameter reach 6-8 cm. The flowers are whitish, after pollination brown fruits of oblong shape appear.

It has a developed root system. In a healthy plant, the leaves are shiny and emerald. At home, near the flower, it is recommended to make a kind of frame from fishing line or wire, along which a shrub can curl. The main care for sickle asparagus at home is pruning, from which it grows even faster.

Asparagus Falcous

Asparagus Falcous is distinguished by the crescent-shaped arrangement of treasures. This variety is considered the largest of the entire Asparagus family. This type of vine requires frequent pruning. It has thin leaves that reach a width of no more than 5 mm, despite the fact that its length can range from 8 to 10 cm.

Unpretentious in leaving. It develops well both in a sunny place and in diffused light. The color of the plant is located at the base of the leaves. The flowers are small, slightly pinkish in color. At home, rarely blooms - 1 time in 5-7 years. Flowers have an unobtrusive smell.

Note! Requires mandatory transplantation of cuttings after purchase in a specialized store or nursery.

Medium-sized pots are suitable for asparagus, as water can stagnate in large containers, as a result of which the soil becomes acidic and the root system dies. The flower prefers fresh, moist air, frequent watering, regular feeding.

Asparagus densely flowered Sprenger

Asparagus Sprengery or Ethiopian or asparagus aethiopicus refers to the evergreen species of asparagus. This is a creeping perennial shrub that in the wild can often be found on rocky surfaces and mountain slopes. The stems of an adult plant range in length from 1.3 m to 1.5 m. The stems and branches cover 4 mm long cladodia, which frame smaller bundles. Because of such an accumulation of leaves on the stems, this variety of asparagus was called dense.

Flowering plants are accompanied by a pleasant aroma. Flowers appear in late May, have a pink or white hue. Asparagus Sprenger care at home requires minimal. The disadvantage of caring for the Sprenger asparagus is the rare observance of the temperature regime, since it belongs to the extremely heat-loving species of the Asparagus. More precisely, even a plant at + 5 ° C, this plant will not survive in open ground.

Asparagus Setaceus

This type of asparagus does not tolerate a drop in temperature below 12 ° C. It requires careful care in the form of constant top dressing. Prefers air humidity not lower than 70%.

Asparagus Sethius

At lower humidity it begins to hurt, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Note! For spraying, do not use a lustrating solution.

Asparagus Umbelatus

Asparagus Umbelatus is called umbellate. The plant is divided into same-sex and bisexual. The root system is well developed. This species of Asparagus develops in any climatic zones. It has good frost resistance. It can winter in the northern latitudes of Russia in open ground.

Umbelatus leaves are small, pointed at the end, thin, smooth. The flowers of the plant are large, reaching a diameter of 1.5 cm. After pollination, fruits appear, the color of which varies from yellow to red. This type of asparagus prefers large pots. The root system needs a lot of room for growth. Umbelatus does not tolerate drafts, so it is recommended to plant it in a place protected from the winds. At air humidity below 70%, the plant must be sprayed. Pruning a plant is undesirable, as pruned branches stop their development. New shoots appear only below the root.

Important! The fruits of the plant are considered toxic, therefore, in the period after flowering, it is recommended to keep the plant in a house in a quarantine zone, away from animals and children.

Asparagus Meyer

This type of asparagus belongs to Asparagus, reaching 50 cm in length. Since the stems of the plant are thin, they tend to land under the weight of the treasures. The stems with leaves are conical in shape, the leaves are loose, threadlike, which allows the stems to visually fluff. Evergreen solitary shoots belong to shrubs. In an adult plant, the central shoots may become stiff. More recent shoots depart from the mother stems with a fountain in different directions. Meyer blossom, aka pyramidal asparagus, begins in mid-June. The flowers are milky or yellowish white. They have the shape of a bell. The fruits are bright red, have the shape of a ball.

Asparagus Meyer


Asparagus Meyer is common among flower growers engaged in decorative indoor plants. Slightly moody in the care and maintenance. Prefers high-quality and frequent watering, in addition, also spraying 2 times a day in the hot season. It is suspended in development at a temperature below 10 ° C. It does not tolerate drafts. Grows in loose alkaline soil. At the end of winter, once a week, fertilizer must be applied to the soil. The plant does not need pruning.

Asparagus street winter resistant long

Asparagus street winter resistant long tolerates temperatures of 10⁰C. At lower temperatures, needs shelter. Like other types of Asparagus, it prefers frequent watering and regular fertilizing. The flowers are small, white, after pollination spherical fruits of bright red color are formed. Requires an annual transplant, which is carried out in the spring. Asparagus Triferen is also considered a winter-hardy garden variety.

Asparagus Triferen


Asparagus does not require careful attention, it is not so difficult to take care of them. They adapt to any conditions. Evergreen bushes can be used not only as a decor, but also in cooking, the fruits of some species are healthy. The most important thing in its cultivation is to observe the optimal irrigation regime and humidity for the plant.
