Rose William Baffin - Descriptions of the variety


Each gardener wants to plant a rose on his plot that will deliver a minimum of trouble and constantly delight with lush flowering. Rosa William Baffin fully complies with this description, being one of the most frost-resistant and least susceptible to climbing climbing roses.

Description and characteristics of the variety, the history of creation

The variety William Baffin was bred at one of the best rose growing stations in the world, located in Ontario (Canada). This hybrid of Cordes roses (cord) was included in the Explorer Rose series, created by the development of specialist breeder Felicitas Sveid and with her participation. The name of the rose was in honor of the Canadian navigator, who lived in the XVII century, and was first introduced to the public in 1983.

Roses William Baffin

William Baffin belongs to the group of Canadian park roses and is one of the largest varieties of the Explorer series. Bushes have powerful shoots, growing over the vegetative period of 3 meters or more. Due to this feature, encyclopedias include this variety in the category of climbing roses. The branches are so strong and thick that they are more like woody branches and do not need additional support.

The leaves are large, dark green in color. Their density and a special wax coating serve as additional protection against most diseases. The flowers are small in size, up to 7 cm in diameter. The edges of the petals bend when the flower opens, making it visually more magnificent. Although they are not distinguished by sophistication, they form brushes of 15-30 pieces and cover the plant so abundantly that it resembles a cloud of pink foam. The aroma is weak.

Interesting! This variety is immune to temperature extremes and precipitation, able to tolerate frosts down to -45 ° C without any shelter. Even a frostbitten or diseased plant is quickly restored if the correct pruning and treatment procedures are applied.

Rose William Baffin is ideal for hedge formation. It can be used as decoration for arches, terraces, as well as for single landings. Difficulties will only be associated with restraining the intensive growth of the plant.

Ulyam Baffin in landscape design

Flower growing

Rosa William Morris - Cultural Characteristics

Despite the unpretentiousness, all Canadian varieties, including William Baffin, prefer well-ventilated areas, sunny, but hidden from direct rays. The soil requires nutritious, loamy soil.

Planting seedlings is carried out in the fall, so that during the winter the plant has managed to strengthen the root system. For this:

  1. prepare pits for planting measuring 70x70 cm at a distance of at least 1 meter from each other;
  2. bushes are buried by 3-5 cm;
  3. pits are covered with fertile non-acidic soil mixed with humus, peat and additional fertilizers;
  4. seedlings are abundantly watered and spud.

Plant care

Rosa Red Intuition - a description of the garden variety

Most Canadian roses are root. They need proper watering, sanitary pruning and fertilizing.

Interesting! Watering is necessary plentiful and regular, since a large plant requires more moisture than more compact counterparts. As a replacement for irrigation, you can sometimes resort to loosening the soil. The amount of irrigation is reduced closer to the autumn cold. In anticipation of the winter period, carrying out water-loading irrigation will not be out of place.

Fertilize the Canadians, blooming all season and requiring enhanced nutrition, according to this scheme:

  • in the first half of summer - 2 times a month make complex organic fertilizers and minerals;
  • in the second half of summer, 2 times a month, nitrogen and potassium phosphorus preparations slowing down the active development of shoots.

Winter care

The bushes of the first year bloom closer to the end of the season and go into hibernation, covered with flowers and buds. For the best wintering, bushes should be well covered to a height of 20 cm. In regions where there is not too much snow, William Baffin rose still requires shelter with spruce branches or non-woven fabric.

Rose William Baffin in the Snow

To avoid the winter invasion of rodents, which are attracted to the trunks and roots of the plant, it is better to install a protective barrier of plastic containers around the perimeter of the trunk circle. After thawing the snow in the spring, the shelter is removed to avoid rotting of the roots.

Important! When the night frosts pass, the bushes are unleashed.

Flowering roses

Rosa Ballerina and other musky varieties with description

The Canadian rose, called William Baffin, is blooming remontaneously, while the two most abundant flowering waves can be distinguished - at the beginning of the growing season and at the very end of the season. Problems with flowering can occur in case of improper care or improper choice of planting location.

Why does not bloom

The lack of flowering in the first year does not count, since, perhaps, the plant has not yet ripened for this.

If the rose is young, planted in a good place, looks healthy, but does not bloom, then it can be stimulated as follows:

  • remove all unnecessary (thin, weak, small) shoots;
  • remove shoots above a strong leaf or bud above which a new shoot is formed;
  • feed the plant with potassium-containing preparations and humates with the addition of trace elements.

Flower propagation

Own plants, which are Canadian varieties of roses, can be propagated by layering, cuttings or dividing the bush. The most effective is green cuttings, in which rooting occurs quickly and reliably, it is enough to choose strong young shoots. This method is simple and does not require the skills of budding.

Cutting of root roses is carried out in the spring, after complete thawing of the earth. It is permissible to carry out the procedure in summer and autumn, but rooting may not go so smoothly.

Cuttings are harvested in several stages:

  1. choose and cut annual shoots 20-25 cm long, completely healthy, removing buds and leaves from them;
  2. the cuttings are kept in a solution of manganese;
  3. the cuttings are dried and cut off the lower ends at an angle of 45 degrees, as close as possible to the lower kidney.
  4. prepared cuttings are buried in two buds in pots with peat;
  5. the pots are dug into the soil to the upper edge and watered abundantly.
  6. cover the cuttings with banks to create a greenhouse effect.

During the first month, plants are observed, periodically airing and moistening the soil about once every three days.

Important! The jar is removed when the grown stalk no longer fits under it and requires more space.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

With excellent disease resistance, the William Baffin rose requires preventative measures. If signs of disease are found, treatment should be carried out as soon as possible.

Diseases of roses (powdery mildew - 1, rust - 2, black spotting - 3)

Powdery mildew, in which there is a characteristic white coating and some deformation of the leaves, is controlled by spraying the bushes with "Topaz", "Chistotsvet", "Fundazol" and other similar means.

Having diagnosed the rust on the shoots, it is necessary to reconsider the plant care: to collect and burn the affected leaves, reduce the application of nitrogen-containing fertilizers and reduce watering, trying to loosen the earth more.

With black spotting, the plant is sprayed with preparations with copper, also paying attention to the observance of agricultural technology and burning fallen leaves.

Important! Pests that attack the roots and other parts of the plant should be destroyed. Where possible, they are collected manually, and then they are treated with insecticides.

The versatility and pliability of the variety William Baffin invariably makes him the favorite of experienced and novice gardeners. Having paid enough attention to this plant in the first years of life, you can get a magnificent garden decoration for a long time.
