Hydrangea Silver Dollar (Silver Dollar) - description


Hydrangea blooms for a long time and is distinguished by its decorative effect. Today, there are up to 80 varieties of this plant, most of them are intended for cultivation in the open ground. Panicled Hydrangea of ​​the Silver Dollar variety is a variety of flowering plants of the Hortense family. The flowering period is from July to the end of September.

The flowers of the Gortenziev family first began to grow in the countries of Southeast Asia. By the 14th century, plants were brought to Russia and European countries. In 1990, breeders bred a separate species of plant - Hydrangea Silver Dollar, which translates as silver dollar.

Hydrangea bush

The flower got its name due to the color of the inflorescences - at the beginning of the season, the inflorescences acquire a silver-green hue that resembles dollar bills. Tulip Silver Dollar also got its name, due to the color of the bud.

Hydrangea has the appearance of an ornamental shrub, the height of which does not exceed 2-2.5 meters. Over time, the plant can take the form of a vine or small tree. Shoots are strong, grow vertically, the maximum size of the crown is 1.5-1.8 meters in width. At the end of spring, the bush is covered with large green leaves of an elongated shape.

Note! Hydrangea grown on the stem is distinguished by high decorative qualities, it has the appearance of a stunted tree and is often used in landscape design.

Descriptionse hydrangea flower silver dollar

Panicled Hydrangea Grandiflora (Grandiflora) - description

Shrubs differ in the shape of inflorescences and their color. One of the famous plant varieties is Hydrangea Silver Dollar, Brief description of the flower:

  • Numerous small flowers collected in large inflorescences;
  • Paniculate inflorescences of a pyramidal shape bloom at the end of each shoot;
  • The flowering is plentiful, the entire surface of the bush is covered with lush inflorescences;
  • At the beginning of the season, the flowers have a white or cream color with a green tint;
  • By September, the flowers become pink;
  • Inflorescences are infertile; at the end of the flowering season, they showered.

White inflorescence

Hydrangea is planted on the lawn singly or in groups of shrubs. In order for it to take root, it is necessary to plant it correctly in open soil.

Hydrangea Tardiva (Tardiva) - variety description

To plant hydrangeas you need:

  • Hydrangea seedlings;
  • Sand;
  • Peat;
  • Humus;
  • Water.

ABOUToptimal place

Hydrangea is not a finicky plant, but for its good growth it is necessary to choose a suitable place for planting. Key Features

  • Sufficient lighting. In the shade, the flowers become smaller over time. Avoid direct sunlight at lunchtime;
  • The soil should be clay with an acidic or slightly acidic reaction. The plant does not tolerate alkaline soils;
  • Strong wind protection. Open blown areas are not suitable for landing;
  • Landing is allowed in places of underground water occurrence.

Note! When planting near trees and shrubs, it is important to consider that hydrangea requires a minimum of 3 meters of free space in height.

Step-by-step landing process

Having picked up a suitable place, it is possible to start landing:

  1. First you need to dig a hole measuring 40x40 cm, a depth of 30-40 cm;
  2. If the soil is acidic, the dug part is mixed with sand and peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 1;
  3. Sapling roots are straightened in a planting pit and covered with soil with additives. The root neck should not be deepened;
  4. Sapling is poured with 5-7 liters of water.

Note! For soils with a neutral reaction or infertile, the dug hole is filled with a mixture of garden soil, peat, humus and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1.

Panicle Hydrangea Candlelight - Description

Silver Dollar variety hydrangea is propagated by cuttings or grown from seeds. Each of the processes has its own characteristics.

Propagation by cuttings

In the fall, when pruning a shrub, you can get any number of cuttings, after which they are cut into pieces 13-15 cm long and placed in a container with the ground. The roots grow quickly, but you can plant a plant only next year in the spring.

Seed cultivation

When buying, you should pay attention to the integrity and color of the seeds. Hydrangea seeds have an oblong shape, painted in dark brown color without interspersing.

What do the seeds look like

Growth Sequence:

  1. Cover the saucer with several layers of gauze, spread the seeds and pour boiled water. Cover with gauze or cotton, leave for 1-2 days;
  2. To prepare the soil, it should contain soddy soil, humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1;
  3. The earth is poured into a crate with a depth of at least 30 cm. Put the swollen seeds on top and crush them with the earth, you do not need to deepen;
  4. Pour the earth and cover the box with glass until the first seedlings appear;
  5. Seeds can be planted immediately in open soil. It is necessary to scatter them on the ground and trample them, sprinkle sand on top.

Care for hydrangea Silver Dollar involves proper watering, top dressing and preparation for the cold.

Watering mode

In spring and autumn, it is enough to water hydrangea every other day, in dry weather without precipitation. In hot weather, the plant is watered every day, 20-30 liters of water at a time are poured onto 1 bush. Water the bush in the morning or evening, pour water under the roots, it should not fall on foliage and inflorescences.

For irrigation, do not use chlorinated water to prevent leaf chlorosis. Running water from the tap must be defended for at least 12 hours in buckets in the open air, so that the excess chlorine has evaporated. So that the soil retains moisture longer, it is covered with bark and branches of conifers, sawdust or shavings.

Note! Hydrangea Dollar does not tolerate dryness, so it should always be in moist soil. In areas with significant changes in the relief, it is advisable to choose places for landing in the lowland, in which moisture will accumulate.

Top dressing

Top dressing should be carried out several times during the season:

  1. For the first feeding in April, nitrogen fertilizers are used, urea and manure are taken in proportion with water 1:10;
  2. In early June, the plant is fed with fertilizers containing potassium;
  3. After hydrangea has faded, the last top dressing with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is carried out.

Features of care during the flowering period

It is not difficult to take care of hydrangea, it is enough to provide the shade with partial shade and regular watering. During the flowering period, it is necessary to loosen the soil to a depth of 4-6 cm, 3-4 loosening per season is enough.

Features of care at rest

The presented species should have a rounded shape of the bush, for this every year it is necessary to shorten the longest shoots by 1-3 buds. In early spring, until sap flow begins, shrubs prune. Frozen and deformed branches, dried inflorescences are removed. If the bush did not have time to prune, the next pruning is carried out when the first leaves bloom.

Pruning dry inflorescences


Winter preparations

Hydrangea Silver Dollar is winter hardy and can withstand up to -25 ° C. In latitudes with a temperate climate, shrubs do not cover for the winter. At the end of autumn, the base of the bush is covered with dry grass and leaves. Shoots do not need to be cut, otherwise hydrangea will not bloom.

In regions with cold winters, the plant is sheltered from the cold. Around the shrub, a frame is made of boards or wire, after which it is tightened with a film, covered with dry leaves or grass from above.

Hydrangea Silver Dollar is an unpretentious plant that does not require large physical and material costs for planting and care. The inflorescences of the shrub have a noble silver-green color and can decorate any garden or summer cottage.
