Interesting Articles 2024

Formation, thinning and sanitary trimming of viburnum

Guelder-rose is a very interesting crop in terms of pruning. It can be formed with a bush and a tree, make hedges out of it, give any shape to the haircut. But viburnum is good not only as an ornamental plant. Umbrellas of red berries - a storehouse of vitamins - hang on the branches until the frost. To viburnum always pleasing to the eye and replenish your winter supplies, you need to provide her with quality care, including proper shaping and pruning.

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Maranta - leaves with amazing coloring

Maranta is an unusual grassy perennial of the Marantov family. Its main value is large leaves with an amazing pattern. It is sometimes difficult to believe that this is a living plant. For specks that correspond to the number of biblical commandments, the arrowhead is called "praying or prayer grass", "pilgrim", "princess frog".

When to plant cosmea seeds to get healthy seedlings

Cosmea, or cosmos, is a grassy one or perennial plant from the Astrov family, while the flower looks like an ordinary chamomile. It is widely distributed in horticulture for beautiful and long flowering from June to the end of October, and is also unpretentious for growing. Cosmea is easier to propagate by seed method, therefore it is important to consider when to plant cosmea when growing from seeds and how to take care of it in the future.

Pelargonium Dovepoint - description, landing and care

Pelargonium flower dovepoint (geranium) is a popular, unpretentious plant care. The culture is grown only at home. Pelargonium looks good on window sills, balconies, on flowerbeds, lawns, in parks and squares. Description of the Pelargonium variety Dovepoint and its characteristics Pelargonium belongs to the Geranium family, which has more than 400 species of flowers.

Spathiphyllum - reproduction at home

Spathiphyllum, or "female happiness," is growing rapidly. A flower is not a long-liver and loses its elegance with age. A permanent transplant will not help the plant become eternal. The time will come, and the old spathiphyllum will have to be replaced with a new one. How spathiphyllum propagates in the wild In the wild, the flower grows in the South American subtropics and Asian tropics.

Crassula - Species and Varieties, Lavoid and Perforate

Everyone knows the money tree, but, as it is called scientifically, not everyone knows. A widespread plant is called Crassula, or Potted Crassula. This is an original plant of Crassula, the species of which are so numerous, the forms are so diverse and bizarre, the palette of colors is amazing that there is an assumption: these are not earthly flowers, but aliens from other planets.

Thunbergia growing vines in pots and in the garden

Liana thunbergia (thunbergia) in recent years began to gain popularity among gardeners and florists. Many people like to grow ampelous, winding cultures in their garden plots and apartments. They are planted in open ground, hanging drawers or flowerpots, decorating balconies and verandas. Since the selection of such plants is small, tunbergia comes in handy thanks to its bright and unusual buds.

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Orchid leaves: the main diseases and methods of dealing with them

Orchid, especially its Phalaenopsis species, is a rather capricious plant that requires care and a lot of attention. Beginning flower growers often face such a problem as falling and wilting leaves of this tropical plant. In most cases, the problem can be quickly resolved by changing the conditions in which the flower is contained.

Oxygen or oxalis: description, care features

Oxalis (oxalis) is a herbaceous plant that is part of the Acidic family. The distribution area is the southern regions of America and Africa, Mexico. Description of oxalis Perennial, 15-35 cm high. Instead of a trunk, there is a creeping rhizome. Outwardly, it resembles clover, because the foliage is just as small and with a triple shape.


Thistle tree is an unpretentious moisture-loving plant of the Aralian family. He is loved and actively used by aquarists to decorate the foreground. From the Latin name - Hydrocotyle - a Russian analogue of the name - hydrocotyl - arose. Description The plant is most common in the subtropics and tropics of the Southern Hemisphere, although some species are found in Europe and Asia.

Calendula flower-marigold - how it looks and where it grows

Calendula (marigolds) is an annual herbaceous plant in the Aster family. Calendula flowers are a medicinal raw material, a natural dye, sometimes used as a seasoning as a substitute for saffron. Breeders bred large-flowered and terry forms with lemon yellow, white, orange and orange-red petals.

Growing lobelia from seeds

From this article you will learn how to grow lobelia from seeds, when it is better to plant it this year according to the Lunar Calendar and not only. But first, let's see what kind of plant it is - lobelia. Lobelia is a lush flowering herbaceous, shrub or semi-shrub plant. South African guest took root in Russia.

Ageratum - seed cultivation, care and planting

Ageratum (in Latin Agerátum houstoniánum) or, as it is also called, the long-flowered flower belongs to the Astrov family. Its homeland is Central and South America - more than 60 plant varieties grow here. Growing Ageratum Dolgotsvetka - thermophilic plant. Ageratum flowers has small, collected in inflorescences.


Moliny is a large perennial cereal that grows from a single root in a lush bush. Thin and thick leaves resemble a lion’s mane, which from juicy green turns to golden in autumn. Such a lawn decoration effectively diversifies the usual design. Description Molinia is widespread in wild wastelands and mounds of the entire Northern Hemisphere.

Drinking Well Cleaning: A Review of Best Practices

The well has long ceased to be the main source of water supply in cottages and in rural areas, but still the owners are in no hurry to part with it. Indeed, in the summer there is a large flow of liquid for watering the garden, and if you connect the hose to the central water supply, the water bills will increase significantly. And in the well, water is free and always in place.

Rose Lydia Lovely (Lydia Lovely) - what kind of flower of the floribunda family

Cultivating roses is a favorite pastime for many gardeners. Some already know what the love Lidia rose looks like, but most gardeners will probably hear about it for the first time. Therefore, the article below presents its description: botanical features, cultivation and care. Description of the variety Rose Lydia - a flower that belongs to the type of spray and the group of floribunda.

All about Clematis Lianas - Description of Plant Species

Clematis plant grows in many modern areas. Gardeners fell in love with a flower for its luxury, pleasing with lush flowering for many weeks. The plant belongs to perennials, and inherited a kinship from an ordinary buttercup. Today, dozens of varieties of flower are known. For planting in the flower beds, those bushes that are similar to the vine are used.